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Flask-SQLAlchemy - model has no attribute 'foreign_keys'

I have 3 models created with Flask-SQLalchemy: User, Role, UserRole


class Role( ActiveRecord, db.Model ):      __tablename__ = "roles"      #   Schema     id = db.Column( db.Integer, primary_key = True )     name = db.Column( db.String( 24 ), unique = True )     description = db.Column( db.String( 90 ) )      users = db.relationship( "User", secondary = "UserRole", \         backref = db.backref( "roles" ) ) 


class User( db.Model, ActiveRecord ):      __tablename__ = "users"      #   Schema     id = db.Column( db.Integer, primary_key = True )     email = db.Column( db.String( 90 ), unique = True )     password = db.Column( db.String( 64 ) )      #   Relations     roles = db.relationship( "Role", secondary = "UserRole", \         backref = db.backref( "users" ) ) 


class UserRole( ActiveRecord, db.Model ):      __tablename__ = "user_roles"      #   Schema     user_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey( 'users.id' ), primary_key = True )     role_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey( 'roles.id' ), primary_key = True ) 

If I try (in the console) to get all users via User.query.all() I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'all' and if I try again I get another error saying:

sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: One or more mappers failed to initialize - can't proceed with initialization of other mappers.  Original exception was: type object 'UserRole' has no attribute 'foreign_keys' 

Can anyone shed a light on what is it exactly that I'm doing wrong? I think I had this code running ok a few months ago, but I updated SQLAlchemy, Flask and Flask-SQLAlchemy recently and it stopped. It's just a side project.

like image 317
Romeo Mihalcea Avatar asked Oct 06 '13 04:10

Romeo Mihalcea

1 Answers

it's a little tough here because you are using some unknown base classes like "ActiveRecord" and such. However, it looks pretty much like that "secondary" argument is wrong:

class User( db.Model, ActiveRecord ):      __tablename__ = "users"      #   Schema     id = db.Column( db.Integer, primary_key = True )     email = db.Column( db.String( 90 ), unique = True )     password = db.Column( db.String( 64 ) )      #   Relations     roles = db.relationship( "Role", secondary = "UserRole", \         backref = db.backref( "users" ) ) 

secondary needs to refer to a Table object, not a mapped class, if by string name then it would be "user_roles":

    roles = db.relationship( "Role", secondary = "user_roles", \         backref = db.backref( "users" ) ) 
like image 107
zzzeek Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09
