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Firebase SSO Auth not working in Facebook In App Browser

We are using Firebase Auth and provide Google and Facebook login on our site.

We are a publisher and most of our stories are published as Instant Articles. However, some articles are locked and requires subscribers to login to read the full content.

This works in a normal browser, but when opening a non-IA link in FB In App Browser, the login popup appears but remains blank, and does not close.

Users are not signed in and can't login.

We are using:


I was wondering if there are any ways besides the signInWithPopup that can help us achieve this?


like image 744
Eshwaren Manoharen Avatar asked Feb 28 '18 07:02

Eshwaren Manoharen

1 Answers

As @bojeil mentioned,

use firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider) instead.

like image 122
Eshwaren Manoharen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10

Eshwaren Manoharen