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Facebook Graph API v2.0 deprecation

I've received this e-mail from facebook:

Souts Pay has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0, which will reach the end of the 2-year deprecation window on Monday, August 8, 2016. Please migrate all calls to v2.1 or higher in order to avoid potential broken experiences.

We recommend using our new Graph API Upgrade Tool to see which of your calls are affected by this change as well as any replacement calls in newer versions. You can also use our changelog to see the full list of changes.

But when I click at Graph API Upgrade Tool I got this message:

Your app hasn't made enough calls to the Graph API to show any info, or there are no changes for the methods you selected between v2.5 and v2.6

So should I worry about this facebook issue? If yes, how can I make this upgrade?

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guisantogui Avatar asked Jul 08 '16 13:07


People also ask

Is Facebook Graph API deprecated?

Applies to all versions. Facebook Analytics will no longer be available after June 30, 2021. Additionally, we are deprecating the App Dashboard Plugin for Marketing API. For more information visit the Business Help Center.

What is Facebook deprecated?

Deprecating Facebook Login support on Android WebViewsBeginning October 5, 2021, Facebook Login will no longer support using Android embedded browsers (WebViews) for logging in users.

Is Facebook Graph API RESTful?

The Legacy REST API is in the process of being deprecated, while the Graph API is the most current, so if you're unsure of which one to use, your best bet is to go with that one. As you suggested, the Graph API, just like the Legacy REST API, is in fact a RESTful API.

How do I upgrade Facebook Graph API?

In the App Dashboard Settings > Advanced, scroll to the Upgrade API Version section.

1 Answers

The Facebook API is always changing, then if you received this message, you just need to use the API version in your URL:

Eg: https://graph.facebook.com/v2.12/me

If you don't specify the version


It always will use the oldest version possible, actually is v2.6

Some APIs can be deprecated, but login function is working fine, stay tuned for recent changes here: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/

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Brayan Neves Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Brayan Neves