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find(1): "Parameter format not correct" under CygWin

I'm trying to build Bochs from source. Therefore, I wrote an configure script. I didn't write my script from scratch - it's based on the .conf.win32-vcpp sh script out of the Bochs tarball. And the part of the script, which causes the problem, is out of the original Nochs tarball without any change - I didn't write that part.

My Problem:

Everytime I execute my sh script, the following error occurs:

config.status: creating host/linux/pcidev/Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: creating ltdlconf.h
config.status: ltdlconf.h is unchanged
FIND: Parameterformat falsch

* (Parameterformat falsch means Parameter format not correct)

But I don't need to execute the hall script. That rub fragment is enough:

sh-4.1$ find -name Makefile
FIND: Parameterformat falsch

* (Parameterformat falsch means Parameter format not correct)

My Questions:

  • What's wrong with that script fragment: find . -name Makefile? Any idea?
  • How can I rewrite that part of the code in order to make it work correctly?

My Script:


set echo

./configure --target=pentium-windows \
            --enable-sb16 \
            --enable-ne2000 \
            --enable-all-optimizations \
            --enable-cpu-level=6 \
            --enable-x86-64 \
            --enable-pci \
            --enable-clgd54xx \
            --enable-usb \
            --enable-usb-ohci \
            --enable-show-ips \
            --enable-disasm \
            --enable-iodebug \
            --enable-logging \
            --enable-debugger-gui \
            --disable-readline \
            --without-x \
            --with-win32 \
            --with-rfb \
            --with-nogui \

unset echo

# Fix up all makefiles so that nmake can handle them.

--> Where the dog's buried:

for i in `find . -name Makefile`; do
  echo Removing curly brackets in $i for NMAKE.
  mv $i $i.tmp
  sed -e 's/{/(/g' -e 's/}/)/g' < $i.tmp > $i
  rm -f $i.tmp

My Environment:

I don't know if it matters, but I'm not using a normal bash. I use the shell provided by cygwin's sh command (Win64).


like image 791
fridojet Avatar asked May 31 '12 18:05


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1 Answers

Be sure your Cygwin installation includes the findutils package, and that Cygwin's find is first in your PATH (before the native Windows one).

If find --help returns FIND: Paramater format not correct (or your localized equivalent), this is a sure sign that it's the Windows one, rather than the Cygwin one, currently in use.

like image 133
Charles Duffy Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 16:09

Charles Duffy