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how to get extract a word from a line in bash shell script [duplicate]



i want to extract a word from a sentence in bash script .it uses both coma and space as separators.

ex:- date=crossed 122 name=foo , userid=234567 , sessionid=2233445axdfg5209  associd=2

I have above sentence in which the interesting part is name=foo .the key name is always same but the string foo may vary. also other parameters may or may not be there .

i need to extract above key value pair. so output would be :


what is the best way to do it in shell script?


like image 699
jch Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 19:11


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1 Answers

grep is useful here:

grep -o 'name=[^ ,]\+'
like image 122
glenn jackman Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

glenn jackman