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Filtering out content with style display:none in an XPath expression



I'm trying to parse with lxml in python and this is my output

    <span style="display:inline">text1</span>
    <span style="display:none">text2</span>

Thought I was smart enough to use the following

tree = tr.xpath("//*[contains(@style,'inline')]/text()")

But then I thought I would only see text1. What I want is to see text3 and text4 too so that the output will be

['text1', 'text3', 'text4']

Can anyone send me to the right direction of doing it?

like image 209
Clubmate Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 15:06


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1 Answers

Explicitly exclude anything with display:none:

tree = tr.xpath("//*[not(contains(@style,'display:none'))]/text()")

That said -- this is only a distant approximation of what a browser would actually do; you'd want to be driving an actual browser (as with Selenium, embedding APIs, or the like) if you required strictly accurate results.

like image 190
Charles Duffy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Charles Duffy