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Exporting CSV properly open Office (save numbers as TEXT)

I am using OPEN-OFFICE to work and save CSV. I am using the comma delimiter and ' " ' also. However, when saving the CSV, all numbers are not encapasulated. How can I force Open-Office to treat numbers as a Text and have them encapsulated too. Example:

"admin","base","test","simple","T010013-012","Test12","12","test/test","Desc12",12,"S","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"
"admin","base","test","simple","T010013-013","Test13","13","test/test","Desc13",13,"M","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"
"admin","base","test","simple","T010013-014","Test14","14","test/test","Desc14",14,"L","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"
"admin","base","test","simple","T010013-015","Test15","15","test/test","Desc15",15,"XL","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"
"admin","base","test","simple","T010013-016","Test16","16","test/test","Desc16",16,"XXL","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"
"admin","base","test","configurable","T010013","TestParent","5","test/test","DescParent","30","","1","Enabled","Catalog, Search","Taxable Goods"

Thank you for your help. PS: I am using MAGMI script for Magento. Uploading products

like image 683
user1023021 Avatar asked Jun 05 '12 21:06


2 Answers

This requires two steps:

  1. Format the cells holding numerals as text (since the entire column will need that formatting, just apply that format to the complete column, so you don't need to format every new cell if you add rows);

  2. Modify the export filter settings to quote all text cells:

edit filter settings

quote all text cells

With this setting, Calc should save this sheet:


as follows:


BTW, Calc is completely standards-compliant not to quote every number by default. At least, RFC 4180 doesn't require quoting every field.

like image 76
tohuwawohu Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11


There is a slightly easier way to side-step this problem using the correct SQL import syntax. Consider the following:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/yourfile.csv' 
INTO TABLE yourtable  

The OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' line should resolve the issue with numeric lines, without having to spend time messing with how the CSV is formatted upon export from a secondary application like Open/LibreOffice.

like image 30
Josh Wieder Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11

Josh Wieder