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New posts in openoffice-calc

LibreOffice Calc / OpenOffice Calc: How to filter rows based on their background color?

Formula to return random string from list of strings?

How to delete duplicates, but keep the first instance and a blank cell for the duplicates in OpenOffice Calc?

Generate OpenOffice calc files using PHP

OpenOffice pyuno "select all"

Expanding a table of frequencies in Excel into a single column

Openoffice - CSV-export: is there a default escape-charcter?

Merging data in Open/LibreOffice Calc

csv openoffice-calc

Convert Calc(Excel) Data in XML in OpenOffice

xml openoffice-calc

highlight duplicate Value in Open Office org Calc

Row numbering selection auto-fill till the end [closed]

Search and replace regular expression in Open Office calc

How to identify duplicate values in two columns in Openoffice Calc


COUNTIF with multiple criteria

Reading Openoffice Calc (.ods) programmatically using c#?

How to set cell-color according to cell-value on ooo-calc?

Delete duplicate rows in calc?

OpenOffice when exporting CSV underscores are replaced with "+AF8-"

csv openoffice-calc

Writing/Reading arrays of Data in Open Office using Python. Anyone have any example code?

How to keep leading zero and add comma in openoffice calc formula?