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convert CSV lines into Javascript objects

I have a simple csv file


fname, lname, uid, phone, address
John, Doe, 1, 444-555-6666, 34 dead rd
Jane, Doe, 2, 555-444-7777, 24 dead rd
Jimmy, James, 3, 111-222-3333, 60 alive way

What I want to do it get each line of the CSV, convert it to a JavaScript object, store them into an array, and then convert the array into a JSON object.


var http = require('http');
var url  = require('url');
var fs = require('fs');

var args = process.argv;
var type = args[2] || 'text';
var arr = []; 
var bufferString; 

function csvHandler(req, res){
  fs.readFile('people.csv',function (err,data) {

  if (err) {
    return console.log(err);

  //Convert and store csv information into a buffer. 
  bufferString = data.toString(); 

  //Store information for each individual person in an array index. Split it by every newline in the csv file. 
  arr = bufferString.split('\n'); 

  for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { 


//More code ommitted

My question is if I am actually converting that CSV lines into Javascript objects when I call the .split('\n') method on bufferString or is there another way of doing so?

like image 671
GGMU Avatar asked Feb 16 '15 14:02


People also ask

How do I import a CSV file into JavaScript?

We're ready to try your first importGo back to your JavaScript app and click on Import Data to open the importer modal. Upload your CSV file, match the columns and then click import.

Can CSV be converted to JSON?

JSON requires the data to be in a structure or a schema, which are not compatible with the CSV file structure. CSV to JSON Converter tool is designed to convert CSV files into JSON format in a very easy manner.

Can JavaScript parse CSV?

Comma Separated Values (CSV) is used as a common format to exchange tabular data between spreadsheets and relational databases. In a JavaScript action, you can parse CSV data using the csv library.

Can JavaScript read CSV file into array?

To convert or parse CSV data into an array , you need to use JavaScript's FileReader class, which contains a method called readAsText() that will read a CSV file data and parse the result as a string text. The FileReader class is a web API, so this solution only works in the browser.

2 Answers

By doing this:

arr = bufferString.split('\n'); 

you will have an array containing all rows as string

["fname, lname, uid, phone, address","John, Doe, 1, 444-555-6666, 34 dead rd",...]

You have to break it again by comma using .split(','), then separate the headers and push it into an Javascript Object:

var jsonObj = [];
var headers = arr[0].split(',');
for(var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  var data = arr[i].split(',');
  var obj = {};
  for(var j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
     obj[headers[j].trim()] = data[j].trim();

Then you will have an object like this:

  "address":"34 dead rd"
 }, ... }]

See this FIDDLE

like image 188
nanndoj Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09


Using ES6/ES7 and some functional programming guidelines:

  • All variables are const (immutability)
  • Use map/reduce instead of while/for
  • All functions are Arrow
  • No dependencies
// Split data into lines and separate headers from actual data
// using Array spread operator
const [headerLine, ...lines] = data.split('\n');

// Split headers line into an array
// `valueSeparator` may come from some kind of argument
// You may want to transform header strings into something more
// usable, like `camelCase` or `lowercase-space-to-dash`
const valueSeparator = '\t';
const headers = headerLine.split(valueSeparator);

// Create objects from parsing lines
// There will be as much objects as lines
const objects = lines
  .map( (line, index) =>
      // Split line with value separators

      // Reduce values array into an object like: { [header]: value }
      // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/reduce

        // Reducer callback 
        (object, value, index) => ({
          [ headers[index] ]: value,

        // Initial value (empty JS object)

console.log("Objects:", objects);

For CSV files using , as separator and quotes string values, you can use this version:

// Split data into lines and separate headers from actual data
// using Array spread operator
const [headerLine, ...lines] = data.split('\n');

// Use common line separator, which parses each line as the contents of a JSON array
const parseLine = (line) => JSON.parse(`[${line}]`);

// Split headers line into an array
const headers = parseLine(headerLine);

// Create objects from parsing lines
// There will be as much objects as lines
const objects = lines
  .map( (line, index) =>

    // Split line with JSON

      // Reduce values array into an object like: { [header]: value } 
        (object, value, index) => ({
          [ headers[index] ]: value,

return objects;

Note: For big files, it would be better to work with streams, generators, iterators, etc.

like image 36
emi Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09
