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How do I detect missing fields in a CSV file in a Pythonic way?

I'm trying to parse a CSV file using Python's csv module (specifically, the DictReader class). Is there a Pythonic way to detect empty or missing fields and throw an error?

Here's a sample file using the following headers: NAME, LABEL, VALUE


When parsing, I'd like the second line to throw an error since it's missing the VALUE field.

Here's a code snippet which shows how I'm approaching this (disregard the hard-coded strings...they're only present for brevity):

import csv

HEADERS = ["name", "label", "value" ]
fileH = open('configFile')
reader = csv.DictReader(fileH, HEADERS)

for row in reader:
    if row["name"] is None or row["name"] == "":
        # raise Error
    if row["label"] is None or row["label"] == "":
        # raise Error

Is there a cleaner way of checking for fields in the CSV file w/out having a bunch of if statements? If I need to add more fields, I'll also need more conditionals, which I would like to avoid if possible.

like image 866
bedwyr Avatar asked Aug 14 '09 16:08


1 Answers

if any(row[key] in (None, "") for key in row):
    # raise error

Edit: Even better:

if any(val in (None, "") for val in row.itervalues()):
    # raise error
like image 136
balpha Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
