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Execute Command Line In WiX Script?

How can I execute a command line from within a WiX script?

I want to dynamically generate a command line string and have it executed. I'm not installing a file related to this.

Using version 3.0.5419.

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Todd Ropog Avatar asked Feb 22 '10 19:02

Todd Ropog

1 Answers

What you probably want is something like this (observing quotes where necessary in the command):

<CustomAction Id='ExecNotepad' Directory='INSTALLDIR' Execute='immediate' 

ExeCommand='[SystemFolder]notepad.exe &quot;[SOMEFILE]&quot;' Return='ignore'/>

The ExeCommand is where you want to put your command. Here I have notepad launching with a file. Some of the attributes will be different, depending on what your command does - particularly the Execute and Impersonate parameters. It would also be helpful to know what version of WiX you were using (the code above is v2).

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JohnL Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10
