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Enum field in JPA Entity

I feel a little dumb asking this but I can't find any simple answer to the question.

Take this simple entity as example:

@Entity @Table( name="clienti" ) public class Cliente implements Serializable {      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;      @Id     @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)     @Column(name = "id")     private Long id;      private String nome;      private String cognome;  //... } 

It represents a person, so I want to add a "gender" property.

It will be "male" or "female". So what?

I can use a String, and keep in mind that "m" stands for male and "f" for female.

Or I can use a boolean "isMale", true or false.

However, I don't think in either case Hibernate purists would be happy :)

Googling a little bit I found that the best practice is using an enum.

I am a little confused on how to use it. Can you help me with an example?

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Fabio B. Avatar asked Jan 21 '13 11:01

Fabio B.

People also ask

What annotation is used if enum is used in an entity?

The most common option to map an enum value to and from its database representation in JPA before 2.1 is to use the @Enumerated annotation.

Which annotation in JPA may be used to specify whether enum should be persisted as number in database column?

The @Enumerated annotation enables you to define how an enum attribute gets persisted in the database. By default, all JPA implementations map the ordinal value of the enum to a numeric database column.

How annotate enum in hibernate?

You can reference the class of your enum type in a @Type annotation on your entity attribute. This is a good approach if you only use the type on one entity attribute. When you use this mapping, Hibernate uses the EnumTypePostgreSql to map the Rating value to a PostgreSQL-specific enum type.

What is enum in spring boot?

enum. type (short for enumeration), a special datatype introduced in Java 5 to represent such list of predefined constants.

2 Answers

You can map your enum to a String or to an ordinal number. Mapping to String is the more portable approach as the mapping will survive changing the enumeration order.

Using your example:

@Entity @Table( name="clienti" ) public class Cliente implements Serializable {  ...     @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)     private Gender gender; ... } 

The string mapping will use the simple name of the enumeration type, so you would have two possible values in the DB - 'Male' and 'Female'

public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE } 

The persistence provider takes care of the mapping, so in your code, you can continue using the Gender enum and not worry about Strings or ordinals.

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kostja Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 07:09


public enum Gender{      MALE, FEMALE  }    @Entity @Table( name="clienti" ) public class Cliente implements Serializable { ...  // **1 case** - If database column type is number (integer)  // (some time for better search performance)  -> we should use  // EnumType.ORDINAL as @O.Badr noticed. e.g. inserted number will // index of constant starting from 0... in our example for MALE - 0, FEMALE - 1. // **Possible issue (advice)**: you have to add the new values at the end of // your enum, in order to keep the ordinal correct for future values.  @Enumerated(EnumType.ORDINAL)     private Gender gender;   // **2 case** - If database column type is character (varchar)  // and you want to save it as String constant then ->  @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)     private Gender gender;  ... }  // in all case on code level you will interact with defined  // type of Enum constant but in Database level 

first case (EnumType.ORDINAL)

╔════╦══════════════╦════════╗ ║ ID ║    NAME      ║ GENDER ║ ╠════╬══════════════╬════════╣ ║  1 ║ Jeff Atwood  ║    0   ║ ║  2 ║ Geoff Dalgas ║    0   ║ ║  3 ║Jarrod Jesica ║    1   ║ ║  4 ║ Joel Lucy    ║    1   ║ ╚════╩══════════════╩════════╝ 

second case (EnumType.STRING)

╔════╦══════════════╦════════╗ ║ ID ║    NAME      ║ GENDER ║ ╠════╬══════════════╬════════╣ ║  1 ║ Jeff Atwood  ║  MALE  ║ ║  2 ║ Geoff Dalgas ║  MALE  ║ ║  3 ║Jarrod Jesica ║ FEMALE ║ ║  4 ║ Joel Lucy    ║ FEMALE ║ ╚════╩══════════════╩════════╝ 
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Musa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09
