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Enlarge find all references font size in Visual Studio 2017?

So MS added the new style for "find all references", but now I cannot find how to change the font size of the "Code" column! I want it bigger, but when I change the Environment font it only affects the other columns (File, Project, etc.). Is there any way to increase the font size of the "Code" column?

If not - is there any (preferably free) extension available for VS2017 that will replace the new default find all references window? Find all references too small

like image 996
BornToCode Avatar asked Mar 25 '18 09:03


People also ask

What is the default font in Visual Studio 2017?

Consolas is the default font for Microsoft Visual Studio.

1 Answers

I've found the solution!

Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors -> Show settings for

then choose Editor Tooltip and select the desired font and size.

This affects the tooltips as well as the find all references window!

Font is bigger now

like image 50
BornToCode Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09
