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Creating a new "Website Project" in VS2017 Community

"File > New > Web site" is missing so I am unable to follow a tutorial I intended to use.

"File > New > Project" Is there but I need Web Site.

Visual Studio Community 2017 Version: 15.5.1 ASP.NET is checked in the installer

enter image description here

I am new to Visual Studio 2017 & any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Update: This is a picture from MSDN showing Web Site is a tab we should have...

enter image description here

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William Mooney Avatar asked Dec 12 '17 22:12

William Mooney

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1 Answers

Please check this blog: Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.5 Preview and check the following information:

Creating ASP.NET Web Applications: We’ve rearranged the ASP.NET project creation menu items a little bit to improve discoverability and increase the likelihood that you’ll choose the right project type for what you’re trying to do. Now, the commands to create a Web Applications or a Web Site are visually next to each other in the File->New Project dialog. This should help the majority of people discover the Create a New Web Application path correctly the first time.

Per the above message, we can know that the File>New-Web Site… has been moved into the File>New>Projects…, I checked it in my VS 2017 15.5.2 and it display as expected, please check the following: enter image description here

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Sara Liu - MSFT Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Sara Liu - MSFT