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Emacs Lisp: getting ascii value of character





I'd like to translate a character in Emacs to its numeric ascii code, similar to casting char a = 'a'; int i = (int)a in c. I've tried string-to-number and a few other functions, but none seem to make Emacs read the char as a number in the end.

What's the easiest way to do this?

like image 537
Ron Avatar asked Nov 08 '13 15:11


2 Answers

A character is a whole number in Emacs Lisp. There is no separate character data type.

Function string-to-char is built-in, and does what you want. (string-to-char "foo") is equivalent to (aref "foo" 0), which is @abo-abo's answer --- but it is coded in C.

like image 122
Drew Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09


To get the ascii-number which represents the character --as Drew said-- put a question mark before the character and evaluate that expression

?a ==> 97

Number appears in minibuffer, with C-u it's written behind expression.

Also the inverse works

(insert 97) will insert an "a" in the buffer.

BTW In some cases the character should be quoted

?\" will eval to 34

like image 34
Andreas Röhler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Andreas Röhler