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Display Emoji in Python's console

I wonder if it's possible to print Emojis in a Python 3 console on Windows. Actually, to avoid the following error:

codec can't encode character '\U0001f44d' in position 10: character maps to  

I've used:

import emoji as moji
print(moji.emojize('Python is :thumbsup:', use_aliases=True).encode('unicode-

which is, as expected, printing the right character:U0001f44d without any exception.

like image 681
dark.vador Avatar asked Nov 06 '16 06:11


People also ask

How do you print emojis on console?

Put backslash before "U" and three zeros after "U". Like: "\U0001F600" Now, print it.. std::cout<<"\U0001F600"; \\ 😀 That's it!

What is the code for emoji in Python?

Every emoji has a unique Unicode assigned to it. When using Unicode with Python, replace "+" with "000" from the Unicode. And then prefix the Unicode with "\". For example- U+1F605 will be used as \U0001F605.

2 Answers

First install emoji module --- pip install emoji

import emoji
print(emoji.emojize('Python is :thumbs_up:'))

This code is working in Anaconda Jupyter environment...

enter image description here

like image 36
Lubna Khan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10

Lubna Khan

The Windows command prompt has a lot of limitations with regards to Unicode characters, especially those outside the basic multilingual plane(BMP, or U+0000 to U+FFFF). The command prompt defaults to a legacy OEM encoding (cp437 on US Windows) and has limited font support for characters outside the localized encoding. Find a Python IDE that has good support for UTF-8.

One quick-and-dirty way to see a wide variety of Unicode characters is to write to a file and leverage the browser:

import os
with open('test.htm','w',encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:

This displays thumbs up in the latest Chrome browser on my Windows 10 system.

like image 54
Mark Tolonen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 04:10

Mark Tolonen