I'm interested in efficient functional algorithms (preferably in Haskell, and even more preferably already implemented as part of a library!) for computing the closure of a container under a unary operator.
A basic and inefficient example of what I have in mind, for lists, is:
closure :: Ord a => (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
closure f xs = first_dup (iterate (\xs -> nub $ sort $ xs ++ map f xs) xs) where
first_dup (xs:ys:rest) = if xs == ys then xs else first_dup (ys:rest)
A more efficient implementation keeps tracks of the new elements generated at each stage (the "fringe") and doesn't apply the function to elements to which it has already been applied:
closure' :: Ord a => (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
closure' f xs = stable (iterate close (xs, [])) where
-- return list when it stabilizes, i.e., when fringe is empty
stable ((fringe,xs):iterates) = if null fringe then xs else stable iterates
-- one iteration of closure on (fringe, rest); key invariants:
-- (1) fringe and rest are disjoint; (2) (map f rest) subset (fringe ++ rest)
close (fringe, xs) = (fringe', xs') where
xs' = sort (fringe ++ xs)
fringe' = filter (`notElem` xs') (map f fringe)
As an example, if xs
is a nonempty sublist of [0..19]
, then closure' (\x->(x+3)`mod`20) xs
is [0..19], and the iteration stabilizes in 20 steps for [0]
, 13 steps for [0,1]
, and 4 steps for [0,4,8,12,16]
Even more efficiency could be gotten using a tree-based ordered-set implementation. Has this been done already? What about the related but harder question of closure under binary (or higher-arity) operators?
How about something like this which uses the Hash Array Mapped Trie data structures in unordered-containers
. For unordered-containers member
and insert
are O(min(n,W)) where W is the length of the hash.
module Closed where
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
data Closed a = Closed { seen :: HashSet a, iter :: a -> a }
insert :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => a -> Closed a -> Closed a
insert a c@(Closed set iter)
| Set.member a set = c
| otherwise = insert (iter a) $ Closed (Set.insert a set) iter
empty :: (a -> a) -> Closed a
empty = Closed Set.empty
close :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => (a -> a) -> [a] -> Closed a
close iter = foldr insert (empty iter)
Here's a variation on the above that generates the solution set more lazily, in a breadth-first manner.
data Closed' a = Unchanging | Closed' (a -> a) (HashSet a) (Closed' a)
close' :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => (a -> a) -> [a] -> Closed' a
close' iter = build Set.empty where
inserter :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => a -> (HashSet a, [a]) -> (HashSet a, [a])
inserter a (set, fresh) | Set.member a set = (set, fresh)
| otherwise = (Set.insert a set, a:fresh)
build curr [] = Unchanging
build curr as =
Closed' iter curr $ step (foldr inserter (curr, []) as)
step (set, added) = build set (map iter added)
-- Only computes enough iterations of the closure to
-- determine whether a particular element has been generated yet
-- Returns both a boolean and a new 'Closed'' value which will
-- will be more precisely defined and thus be faster to query
member :: (Hashable a, Eq a) => a -> Closed' a -> (Bool, Closed' a)
member _ Unchanging = False
member a c@(Closed' _ set next) | Set.member a set = (True, c)
| otherwise = member a next
improve :: Closed' a -> Maybe ([a], Closed' a)
improve Unchanging = Nothing
improve (Closed' _ set next) = Just (Set.toList set, next)
seen' :: Closed' a -> HashSet a
seen' Unchanging = Set.empty
seen' (Closed' _ set Unchanging) = set
seen' (Closed' _ set next) = seen' next
And to check
>>> member 6 $ close (+1) [0]
>>> fst . member 6 $ close' (+1) [0]
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