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Edit Sublime Text 2's default snippets

I've been using Sublime text 2 for the past few days, and I have to say it's been amazing!

I have added many snippets already, but can't figure out how to edit Sublime's default snippets like the script element (script+tab).

In my opinion the script element shouldn't have a type attribute in HTML5, so I'd like to edit that snippet.

Problem is, I can't find it in the /Packages/User folder like the user defined snippets.

Any help would be appreciated!

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Web_Designer Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 23:03


People also ask

How do I change the snippet in Sublime Text?

Select Package Resource Viewer: Open Resource, navigate down the list to LaTeX, then open the section-.. -(section). sublime-snippet file. You should now be able to edit this file and save it, which will create a new file Packages/LaTeX/section-..

Where are sublime text snippets stored?

Sublime Text will present you with an skeleton for a new snippet. Snippets can be stored under any package's folder, but to keep it simple while you're learning, you can save them to your Packages/User folder.

1 Answers

For this its in Packages/HTML/HTML.sublime-completions. To find this kind of stuff all you have to do is do a find anything (Ctrl+Shift+F on linux, don't know for mac..) then bung the sublime folder in the where field and search away!

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fraxel Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10
