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Eclipse: How to share Java compiler errors/warnings settings across entire team

We are in the process of standardizing our default Eclipse configuration (styles, settings, dictionary, formatting, run configurations, etc.) for our developers.

However, for Java compiler errors and warnings preferences, there does not seem to be any way to export/import settings. Is there another way to do this?

like image 349
HDave Avatar asked Mar 06 '12 04:03


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2 Answers

Eclipse allow you to export your preferences via

File > Export > Preferences

You will see a list of exportable preferences, which contains Java Compiler Preference, you can even choose specified preference to export.

After that, you can import the preferences into a new workspace via

File > Import > Preferences

like image 134
Rangi Lin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Rangi Lin

The ideal way to share settings within the team (for use within the IDE) is to use project specific settings. The project specific settings become part of the project and go into source control repository, hence every team member gets them for free.

Most of the settings you mention in the question can be configured per project.

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Deepak Azad Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Deepak Azad