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How to setup Retrofit with no baseUrl

My apiPath is fully dynamic. I am having items containing fields such us "ipAddress" and "SSLprotocol". Based on them I can build my url:

private String urlBuilder(Server server) {     String protocol;     String address = "";      if (AppTools.isDeviceOnWifi(activity)) {         address = serverToConnect.getExternalIp();     } else if (AppTools.isDeviceOnGSM(activity)) {         address = serverToConnect.getInternalIp();     }      if (server.isShouldUseSSL()) {         protocol = "https://";     } else {         protocol = "http://";     }     return protocol + address; } 

So my protocol + address can be: http:// + =

And I would like to use it like that:

@FormUrlEncoded @POST("{fullyGeneratedPath}/json/token.php") Observable<AuthenticationResponse> authenticateUser(             @Path("fullyGeneratedPath") String fullyGeneratedPath,             @Field("login") String login,             @Field("psw") String password,             @Field("mobile") String mobile); 

So full path for authenticateUser would be - for example.

That means I don't need any basePath because I create whole basePath myself depending on server I want to connect to.

My retrofit setup is:

@Provides @Singleton Retrofit provideRetrofit(OkHttpClient okHttpClient,             Converter.Factory converterFactory,             AppConfig appConfig) {     Retrofit.Builder builder = new Retrofit.Builder();     builder.client(okHttpClient)             .baseUrl(appConfig.getApiBasePath())             .addConverterFactory(converterFactory)             .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create());      return builder.build(); } 

If I remove baseUrl then I get error that this parameter is required. So I set my apiBasePath to:

public String getApiBasePath() {     return ""; } 

And then I get error instantly after I create retrofit instance:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal URL:  

How to solve it?

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F1sher Avatar asked Jan 17 '16 19:01


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1 Answers

From source (New URL resolving concept) you can simply specify whole path in post request.

Moreover we also can declare a full URL in @Post in Retrofit 2.0:

public interface APIService {      @POST("http://api.nuuneoi.com/special/user/list")     Call<Users> loadSpecialUsers();  } 

Base URL will be ignored for this case.

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Inverce Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
