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How to pass an Integer Array to IN clause in MyBatis

There is a query in my Mybatis containing an IN clause which is basically a set of Id's ( Integers)

I am now stuck on how can I pass an Integer array to this IN clause so that it pulls up the proper records.Tried by passing a String containing the ID's to the IN clause , but this did not work as expected.

Code Sample below

Mybatis Method using Annotations

@Select(SEL_QUERY)     @Results(value = {@Result(property="id",column="ID")})     List<Integer> getIds(@Param("usrIds") Integer[] usrIds); 


select distinct ID from table a where a.id in ( #{usrIds} ) 

Method Call

Integer[] arr = new Integer[2]; arr[0] = 1; arr[1] = 2;  mapper.getIds(arr) 

This is not working , Mybatis throws an error when I call the mapper method

Any suggestions please

like image 690
Vivek Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 07:01


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1 Answers

The myBatis User Guide on Dynamic SQL has an example on how to use a foreach loop to build the query string, which works for lists and arrays.

Prior to release 3.2 you had to use xml configuration to use dynamic sql, with newer versions it should also be possible to use dynamic sql in annotations.

<select id="selectPostIn" resultType="domain.blog.Post">     SELECT *     FROM POST P     WHERE ID in     <foreach item="item" index="index" collection="list"              open="(" separator="," close=")">         #{item}     </foreach> </select> 
like image 99
Jörn Horstmann Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Jörn Horstmann