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dplyr tidyr – How to generate case_when with dynamic conditons?






Is there a way to dynamically/programmatically generate case_when conditions in dplyr with different column names and/or different numbers of conditions? I have an interactive script that I'm trying to convert into a function. There's a lot of repeated code in the case_when statements and I'm wondering if it can be automated somehow without my needing to write everything from scratch again and again.

Here's a dummy dataset:

test_df = tibble(low_A=c(5, 15, NA),
                 low_TOT=c(NA, 10, NA),
                 low_B=c(20, 25, 30),
                 high_A=c(NA, NA, 10),
                 high_TOT=c(NA, 40, NA),
                 high_B=c(60, 20, NA))

expected_df = tibble(low_A=c(5, 15, NA),
                     low_TOT=c(NA, 10, NA),
                     low_B=c(20, 25, 30),
                     ans_low=c(5, 10, 30),
                     high_A=c(NA, NA, 10),
                     high_TOT=c(NA, 40, NA),
                     high_B=c(60, 20, NA),
                     ans_high=c(60, 40, 10))

> expected_df
# A tibble: 3 x 8
  low_A low_TOT low_B ans_low high_A high_TOT high_B ans_high
  <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
1     5      NA    20       5     NA       NA     60       60
2    15      10    25      10     NA       40     20       40
3    NA      NA    30      30     10       NA     NA       10

The logic I want is that if the ._TOT column has a value, use that. If not, then try column ._A, and if not, then column ._B. Note that I intentionally didn't put ._TOT as the first column for a group. I could just use coalesce() in that case, but I want a general solution irrespective of column order.

Of course, all of this is easy to do with a couple of case_when statements. My issues are that:

  1. I'm trying to make a general function and so don't want interactive/tidy evaluation.
  2. I have a whole bunch of columns like this. All ending with one of _TOT, _A, _B but with different prefixes (e.g., low_TOT, low_A, low_B, high_TOT, high_A, high_B,..... and I don't want to rewrite a bunch of case_when functions again and again.

What I have right now looks like this (where I'm writing a case_when for each prefix):

def my_function = function(df) { 
    df %>% mutate(
          # If a total low doesn't exist, use A (if exists) or B (if exists)
          "ans_low" := case_when(
            !is.na(.data[["low_TOT"]]) ~ .data[["low_TOT"]],
            !is.na(.data[["low_A"]]) ~ .data[["low_A"]],
            !is.na(.data[["low_B"]]) ~ .data[["low_B"]],

          # If a total high doesn't exist, use A (if exists) or B (if exists)
          "ans_high" := case_when(
            !is.na(.data[["high_TOT"]]) ~ .data[["high_TOT"]],
            !is.na(.data[["high_A"]]) ~ .data[["high_R"]],
            !is.na(.data[["high_B"]]) ~ .data[["high_B"]],
         # Plus a whole bunch of similar case_when functions...

And what I'd like is to ideally get a way to dynamically generate case_when functions with different conditions so that I'm not writing a new case_when each time by exploiting the fact that:

  1. All the three conditions have the same general form, and the same structure for the variable names, but with a different prefix (high_, low_, etc.).
  2. They have the same formula of the form !is.na( .data[[ . ]]) ~ .data[[ . ]], where the dot(.) is the dynamically generated name of the column.

What I'd like is something like:

def my_function = function(df) { 
    df %>% mutate(
          "ans_low" := some_func(prefix="Low"),
          "ans_high" := some_func(prefix="High")

I tried creating my own case_when generator to replace the standard case_when as shown below, but I'm getting an error. I'm guessing that's because .data doesn't really work outside of the tidyverse functions?

some_func = function(prefix) {
    !is.na(.data[[ sprintf("%s_TOT", prefix) ]]) ~ .data[[ sprintf("%s_TOT", prefix) ]],
    !is.na(.data[[ sprintf("%s_A", prefix) ]]) ~ .data[[ sprintf("%s_A", prefix) ]],
    !is.na(.data[[ sprintf("%s_B", prefix) ]]) ~ .data[[ sprintf("%s_B", prefix) ]]

Something else I'm curious about is making an even more general case_when generator. In the examples thus far, it's only the names (prefix) of the columns that are changing. What if I wanted to

  1. change the number and names of suffixes (e.g., high_W, high_X, high_Y, high_Z, low_W, low_X, low_Y, low_Z, .......) and so make a character vector of suffixes an argument of some_func
  2. change the form of the formula. Right now, it's of the form !is.na(.data[[ . ]]) ~ .data[[ . ]] for all the conditions, but what if I wanted to make this an argument of some_func? For example, !is.na(.data[[ . ]]) ~ sprintf("%s is missing", .)

I'd be happy with just getting it to work with different prefixes but it'd be very cool to understand how I could achieve something even more general with arbitrary (but common) suffixes and arbitrary formulae such that I can do some_func(prefix, suffixes, formula).

like image 839
anonymous1a Avatar asked Jul 22 '21 18:07


2 Answers

Here is a custom case_when function that you can call with purrr::reduce and a vector of strings parts of your variable names (in the example c("low", "high"):


my_case_when <- function(df, x) {
         "ans_{x}" := case_when(
           !is.na(!! sym(paste0(x, "_TOT"))) ~ !! sym(paste0(x, "_TOT")),
           !is.na(!! sym(paste0(x, "_A"))) ~ !! sym(paste0(x, "_A")),
           !is.na(!! sym(paste0(x, "_B"))) ~ !! sym(paste0(x, "_B"))

test_df %>% 
  reduce(c("low", "high"), my_case_when, .init = .)

#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   low_A low_TOT low_B high_A high_TOT high_B ans_low ans_high
#>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     5      NA    20     NA       NA     60       5       60
#> 2    15      10    25     NA       40     20      10       40
#> 3    NA      NA    30     10       NA     NA      30       10

Created on 2021-07-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

I also have a package on Github {dplyover} which is made for this kind of cases. For your example with more than two variables I would use dplyover::over together with a special syntax to evaluate strings as variable names. We can further use dplyover::cut_names("_TOT") to extract the string parts of the variable names that come before or after "_TOT" (in the example this is "low" and "high").

We can either use case_when:

library(dplyover) # https://github.com/TimTeaFan/dplyover

test_df %>% 
              list(ans = ~ case_when(
                  !is.na(.("{.x}_TOT")) ~ .("{.x}_TOT"),
                  !is.na(.("{.x}_A")) ~ .("{.x}_A"),
                  !is.na(.("{.x}_B")) ~ .("{.x}_B")
              .names = "{fn}_{x}")

#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   low_A low_TOT low_B high_A high_TOT high_B ans_low ans_high
#>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     5      NA    20     NA       NA     60       5       60
#> 2    15      10    25     NA       40     20      10       40
#> 3    NA      NA    30     10       NA     NA      30       10

Or somewhat easier coalesce:

test_df %>% 
              list(ans = ~ coalesce(.("{.x}_TOT"),
              .names = "{fn}_{x}")

#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   low_A low_TOT low_B high_A high_TOT high_B ans_low ans_high
#>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     5      NA    20     NA       NA     60       5       60
#> 2    15      10    25     NA       40     20      10       40
#> 3    NA      NA    30     10       NA     NA      30       10

Created on 2021-07-22 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

like image 75
TimTeaFan Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


At the risk of not answering the question, I think the easiest way to approach this is to just reshape and use coalesce(). Your data structure requires two pivots either way (I think) but this requires no careful thinking about what prefixes are present.


test_df <- tibble(
  low_A = c(5, 15, NA),
  low_TOT = c(NA, 10, NA),
  low_B = c(20, 25, 30),
  high_A = c(NA, NA, 10),
  high_TOT = c(NA, 40, NA),
  high_B = c(60, 20, NA)

test_df %>%
  rowid_to_column() %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = -rowid, names_to = c("prefix", "suffix"), names_sep = "_") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = suffix, values_from = value) %>%
  mutate(ans = coalesce(TOT, A, B)) %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = c(-rowid, -prefix), names_to = "suffix") %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = c(prefix, suffix), names_sep = "_", values_from = value)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>   rowid low_A low_TOT low_B low_ans high_A high_TOT high_B high_ans
#>   <int> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     1     5      NA    20       5     NA       NA     60       60
#> 2     2    15      10    25      10     NA       40     20       40
#> 3     3    NA      NA    30      30     10       NA     NA       10

Note also that case_when has no tidy evaluation, and so just not using mutate simplifies your some_func a lot. You already got an answer using !!sym inside mutate, so here is a version that illustrates a simpler way. I prefer not to use tidyeval unless necessary because I want to use a mutate chain, and here it's not really needed.

some_func <- function(df, prefix) {
  ans <- str_c(prefix, "_ans")
  TOT <- df[[str_c(prefix, "_TOT")]]
  A <- df[[str_c(prefix, "_A")]]
  B <- df[[str_c(prefix, "_B")]]
  df[[ans]] <- case_when(
    !is.na(TOT) ~ TOT,
    !is.na(A) ~ A,
    !is.na(B) ~ B

reduce(c("low", "high"), some_func, .init = test_df)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   low_A low_TOT low_B high_A high_TOT high_B low_ans high_ans
#>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     5      NA    20     NA       NA     60       5       60
#> 2    15      10    25     NA       40     20      10       40
#> 3    NA      NA    30     10       NA     NA      30       10
like image 40
Calum You Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Calum You