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Does this simple Haskell function already have a well-known name?

I've just written this function which simply takes a pair whose second value is in some monad, and "pulls the monad out" to cover the whole pair.

unSndM :: Monad m => (a, m c) -> m (a, c)
unSndM (x, y) = do y' <- y
                   return (x, y')

Is there a nicer and/or shorter or point-free or even standard way to express this?

I've got as far as the following, with -XTupleSections turned on...

unSndM' :: Monad m => (a, m c) -> m (a, c)
unSndM' (x, y) = y >>= return . (x,)


like image 946
gimboland Avatar asked Oct 22 '10 15:10


3 Answers

If the Traversable and Foldable instances for (,) x) were in the library (and I suppose I must take some blame for their absence)...

instance Traversable ((,) x) where
  traverse f (x, y) = (,) x <$> f y

instance Foldable ((,) x) where
  foldMap = foldMapDefault

...then this (sometimes called 'strength') would be a specialisation of Data.Traversable.sequence.

sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)


sequence :: (Monad m) => ((,) x) (m a) -> m (((,) x) a)


sequence :: (Monad m) => (x, m a) -> m (x, a)

In fact, sequence doesn't really use the full power of Monad: Applicative will do. Moreover, in this case, pairing-with-x is linear, so the traverse does only <$> rather than other random combinations of pure and <*>, and (as has been pointed out elsewhere) you only need m to have functorial structure.

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pigworker Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10


One minor point: it's possible to write this using only fmap (no >>=), so you really only need a Functor instance:

unSndM :: (Functor f) => (a, f c) -> f (a, c)
unSndM (x, y) = fmap ((,) x) y

This version is a bit more general. To answer your question about a pointfree version, we can just ask pointfree:

travis@sidmouth% pointfree "unSndM (x, y) = fmap ((,) x) y"
unSndM = uncurry (fmap . (,))

So, yes, an even shorter version is possible, but I personally find uncurry a bit hard to read and avoid it in most cases.

If I were writing this function in my own code, I'd probably use <$> from Control.Applicative, which does shave off one character:

unSndM :: (Functor f) => (a, f c) -> f (a, c)
unSndM (x, y) = ((,) x) <$> y

<$> is just a synonym for fmap, and I like that it makes the fact that this is a kind of function application a little clearer.

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Travis Brown Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

Travis Brown

I haven't seen it written in any Haskell library (though it's probably in category-extras), but it is generally known as the "tensorial strength" of a monad. See:



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mokus Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10
