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Does AWS Lambda can be preferred over AWS Glue Job?

In AWS Glue job, we can write some script and execute the script via job.

In AWS Lambda too, we can write the same script and execute the same logic provided in above job.

So, my query is not whats the difference between AWS Glue Job vs AWS Lambda, BUT iam trying to undestand when AWS Glue job should be preferred over AWS Lambda, especially while when both does the same job? If both does the same job, then ideally I would blindly prefer using AWS Lambda itself, right?

Please try to understand my query..

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john Avatar asked Aug 26 '20 14:08


People also ask

Does AWS Glue use Lambda?

AWS Glue can run your ETL jobs as new data arrives. For example, you can use an AWS Lambda function to trigger your ETL jobs to run as soon as new data becomes available in Amazon S3. You can also register this new dataset in the AWS Glue Data Catalog as part of your ETL jobs.

Can we call glue job from Lambda?

To start a job when a crawler run completes, create an AWS Lambda function and an Amazon EventBridge rule. You can modify this method to automate other AWS Glue functions. Note: You can also use AWS Glue workflows to automatically start a job when a crawler run completes.

What is AWS Lambda not good for?

You do not want to use Lambda for long-running workloads because it runs instances/functions for up to 15 minutes at a time. It limits concurrent function executions to 1,000. AWS Lambda bills can quickly run through your budget if you are unsure how to optimize AWS costs.

3 Answers

Additional points:

Per this source and Lambda FAQ and Glue FAQ

Lambda can use a number of different languages (Node.js, Python, Go, Java, etc.) vs. Glue can only execute jobs using Scala or Python code.

Lambda can execute code from triggers by other services (SQS, Kafka, DynamoDB, Kinesis, CloudWatch, etc.) vs. Glue which can be triggered by lambda events, another Glue jobs, manually or from a schedule.

Lambda runs much faster for smaller tasks vs. Glue jobs which take longer to initialize due to the fact that it's using distributed processing. That being said, Glue leverages its parallel processing to run large workloads faster than Lambda.

Lambda looks to require more complexity/code to integrate into data sources (Redshift, RDS, S3, DBs running on ECS instances, DynamoDB, etc.) while Glue can easily integrate with these. However, with the addition of Step Functions, multiple lambda functions can be written and ordered sequentially due reduce complexity and improve modularity where each function could integrate into a aws service (Redshift, RDS, S3, DBs running on ECS instances, DynamoDB, etc.)

Glue looks to have a number of additional components, such as Data Catalog which is a central metadata repository to view your data, a flexible scheduler that handles dependency resolution/job monitoring/retries, AWS Glue DataBrew for cleaning and normalizing data with a visual interface, AWS Glue Elastic Views for combining and replicating data across multiple data stores, AWS Glue Schema Registry to validate streaming data schema.

There are other examples I am missing, so feel free to comment and I can update.

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deesolie Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


Lambda has a lifetime of fifteen minutes. It can be used to trigger a glue job as an event based activity. That is, when a file lands in S3 for example, we can have an event trigger which can run a glue job. Glue is a managed services for all data processing.

If the data is very low maybe you can do it in lambda, but for some reason the process goes beyond fifteen minutes, then data processing would fail.

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Yuva Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10


The answer to this can involve some foundational design decisions. What is this job doing? What kind of data are you dealing with? Is there a decision to be made whether the task should be executed in a batch or event oriented paradigm?


This may be necessary or desirable because the task:

  • Is being done over large monolithic data (e.g., binary).
  • Relies on context of multiple records in a dataset such that they must be loaded into a single job.
  • Order matters.

I feel like just as often I see batch handling chosen by default because "this is the way we've always done it" but breaking from this approach could be worth consideration.

Glue is built for batch operations. With a current maximum execution time of 15 minutes and maximum memory of 10gb, Lambda has become capable of processing fairly large datasets in a single execution, as well. It can be difficult to pin down a direct cost comparison without specifics of the workload. When it comes to development, I feel that Lambda has the edge as far as tooling to build, test, deploy.


In the case where your data consists of a set of records, it might behoove you to parse and "stream" them into Lambda. Consider a flow like:

  • CSV lands in S3.
  • S3 event triggers Lambda.
  • Lambda reads and parses CSV into discrete events, submits to another Lambda or publishes to SNS for downstream processing. Concurrent instances of this Lambda can be employed to speed up ingest, where each instance is responsible for certain lines of the S3 object.

This pushes all logic and error handling, as well as resources required, to the level of individual event/record level. Often mechanisms such as dead-letter queues are employed for remediation. While context of a given container persists across invocations - assuming the container has not been idle and torn down - Lambda should generally be considered stateless such that the processing of an event/record is thought of as occurring within its own scope, outside that of others in the dataset.

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ormus Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10
