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New command for AWS CLI v2 to replace `aws ecr get-login` of AWS CLI v1

Encouraged by DockerCon 2020, I'm tackling again getting a flask app running on AWS EC2, but this time I don't want to touch the AWS dashboard. I'd like to stay entirely on the command line (osx terminal).

This fine tutorial describes how to build an image and run it on AWS ECR, apparently itself ultimately running behind the scenes on an EC2 instance.

I am guessing that the beginning of the translation to AWS CLI v2 of

v1: aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 --no-include-email


v2: aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1

The v1 command apparently produced a string properly formatted for subsequent running. (Good riddance, cutting and pasting would not yield a reliable or a customizable CLI.)

The v2 replacement produces a long password for a subsequent command.

Which command(s) in v2 fully replace v1's aws ecr get-login?

like image 222
Calaf Avatar asked Jun 10 '20 09:06


1 Answers

According to the documentation this can be replaced by running

aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin MY-REGISTRY-URL

Regarding the --no-include-email the documentation states the following

You must specify --no-include-email if you're using Docker version 17.06 or later. The default behavior is to include the '-e' flag in the 'docker login' output.

like image 74
Chris Williams Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Chris Williams