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Documenting with doxygen: put details on top

I'm using doxygen for a documentation of an Android project. I know doxygen since years. But now I have the problem that I want the details of my class like in javadoc at the top and not at the bottom.

After a short Google search I found the option DETAILS_AT_TOP which would just do what I want but unfortunately this option was removed. So the new method is to use a so called DoxygenLayout.xml, but where is the documentation how that file should look like? In the documentation are only some attributes explained. Where is the original DoxygenLayout.xml which I can modify as I need it?

I had also the same problem with the HTML_FOOTER it is not documented how the original file looks like.

like image 859
rekire Avatar asked Nov 07 '13 09:11


2 Answers

After doing some more research with the command line options I found this:

4) Use doxygen to generate a template file controlling the layout of the generated documentation: doxygen -l layoutFileName.xml

So I got my DoxygenLayout.xml with doxygen -l. I just modyfied the order of the details and deactivated the brief version:

<doxygenlayout version="1.0">
  <!-- Generated by doxygen 1.8.5 -->
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  <!-- Layout definition for a class page -->
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      <nestedclasses visible="yes" title=""/>
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      <services title=""/>
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After a short review of the output I desiced to remove the headline with this small css:

a + h2.groupheader {
like image 150
rekire Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10


For HTML_FOOTER (and header & CSS) there is a similar command to generate a local copy of the default Doxygen HTML. You can then use the HTML_* doxyfile settings to point to them.

doxygen -w html header.html footer.html customdoxygen.css

Details for this are on this page of the online manual.

like image 20
Cheeseminer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10
