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PhpDocs: Possible to link method in parameter description?

Is it possible to link to another method/class/property/etc. inside my project inline inside the @deprecated tag? Like this:

 * Method description
 * @deprecated 1.0 Reason for deprecation, use {@link newMethod()} instead!
 * @param string $str
 * @param string|null $str2
 * @return bool
public function method($str, $str2) {
    // TODO: Code...



like image 486
armin Avatar asked Dec 23 '16 14:12


1 Answers

According to PHPdoc.org, you could use the @see tag for that.

 * @see http://example.com/my/bar Documentation of Foo.
 * @see MyClass::$items           For the property whose items are counted.
 * @see MyClass::setItems()       To set the items for this collection.
 * @return integer Indicates the number of items.
function count()

Also, PHPdoc.org recommends to use @see in case of a @deprecated method:

It is RECOMMENDED (but not required) to provide an additional description stating why the associated element is deprecated. If it is superceded by another method it is RECOMMENDED to add a @see tag in the same PHPDoc pointing to the new element.

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Dragos Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
