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Documentation for three.js controls?



three.js comes with many useful controls, which cause camera movement in response to keyboard and mouse input.

They are all at https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/js/controls and accessed in the code as e.g.THREE.OrbitControls .

However, I can't find any documentation or comments that says what situation to use what control for or what they are intended to do.

Can anyone point me to this information, or do I have to analyze the code to figure out if, for example, I prefer FlyControls to FirstPersonControls?

like image 906
foobarbecue Avatar asked Apr 06 '14 20:04


2 Answers

The documentation for the controls does exist, but it was deleted from the repository here. Seems like a bizarre thing to do, but there is an explanation of sorts here. I guess the docs were very incomplete anyway and it was easier to delete them than to finish them. :-p

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foobarbecue Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 21:10


The source code for most of the controls contains pretty decent comments. I know this isnt as good as proper documentation but it really helps to get a handle on how to set up the controls

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Mak Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10
