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foobarbecue has asked 14 questions and find answers to 16 problems.


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I'm an early-career volcano technologist with interests including speleology and astrobiology. I play cello, build flying robots, and enjoy sport climbing.

At the moment I am in northern Chile with the Trail by Fire project.

I have experience with:

  • Programming languages: Python, Javascript / CSS / HTML5, Matlab, Java, C and C++ and one time I got stuck in Antarctica so I learned brainfuck
  • Web frameworks: Django, Meteor
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (demo video): Many ardupilot-based systems, recently builds based on Turboace Matrix and FireFLY6. Also lots of stick time on DJI Phantom 3 pro, DJI Matrice 100
  • Laser scanning: I've operated Optech, Riegl, and Leica systems and am competent in processing data from all of these. In addition to manufacturer's software, I use Blender, Polyworks, Meshlab, and CloudCompare extensively.
  • Multi-view stereophotogrammetry: Made some stuff for NASA JPL and some for a National Geographic expedition.
  • Geophysical hardware: Fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing systems, Onset dataloggers, Campbell dataloggers, Quanterra Q330, ancient Guralp seismometers and digitizers, Trimble GPS things
  • Geophysical software: I'm good with Earthworm.

Some of my creations on the web are:

  • AfterFlight: Browser-based UAV log and video analysis
  • climbshare.com: 3D interactive multiplayer climbing guides (early development)
  • Erebus Cave and Fumarole Database: Database of Erebus' fumarolic ice caves including timeseries data
  • gottafix.it: Edit the web
  • Kicksnorter: publicly report success / failure of crowdfund projects (retired since it's against Kickstarter policy)
  • quirktonomicon.com: Alternative interface to quirky.com (retired)