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How to convert object to json file for three.js model loader

I am building a browser game with three.js and I want to load a model from Maya 2013 into my scene. I have exported the model as an obj file.

Now I need to know how to convert it into an JS file for the three.js-loader.

This is my loader so far:

 var jsonLoader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
 jsonLoader.load( "models/model.js", addModelToScene );

Thanks in advance

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user2259103 Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 19:04


5 Answers

If you don't want to use blender, mrdoob(made threejs) has a simple python script to convert obj to json. Just run --this script-- in terminal like so:

python convert_obj_three.py -i infile.obj -o outfile.js
like image 132
captDaylight Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 13:11


Use Blender.

Blender 3D

Then install this addon:

Three.js exporter

like image 42
Hobbes Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 12:11


Thats a pretty late reply. I have written a converter to read obj files and convert to ThreeJS supported JSON format: https://github.com/theMaxscriptGuy/Windows_Programs/tree/master/Obj_To_ThreeJS

Download all the files as zip and run converter.exe...

like image 6
Videep Mishraa Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 12:11

Videep Mishraa

Note: the python converter script has been updated to a js based tool https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/tree/dev/utils/converters


node obj2three.js model.obj

like image 6
Karl Rosaen Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 14:11

Karl Rosaen

When exporting 3ds max models to three.js using the [convert_obj_three.py][1] script, a little degree of automation can be achieved with the following command in cmd promt:

cd C:\Python27 &
python convert_obj_three.py -i _obj\chromeBand.obj -o _json\chromeBand.js &
python convert_obj_three.py -i _obj\controlPanelCover.obj -o _json\controlPanelCover.js

I wrote a 3ds max script that will print the phyton script command for multiple models and also a json with the models relative urls and coordinates. The json is useful for placing multiple models at the correct position in scene.

local inputPath = "D:\Archive\Work\_Dev\_Convert\Obj\\"
local outputPath = "C:\Server\htdocs\viewer\assets\models\my-project\\"
local jsonPath = "assets/models/my-project/"
local myListEntry = "\n"

for o in selection do
        myListEntry +=
        "\"" + o.name + "\": {\n" +
            "\t\"url\": \"" + jsonPath + o.name + ".js\",\n" +
            "\t\"position\": {\n" +
                "\t\t\"x\": \"" + o.position.x as string + "\",\n" +
                "\t\t\"y\": \"" + o.position.z as string + "\",\n" +
                "\t\t\"z\": \"" + (o.position.y * -1) as string + "\"\n" +
            "\t}\n" +

myListEntry += "\n\n\n=== Run this using cmd promt: ===\n"
myListEntry += "cd C:\Python27 &\n"

for o in selection do
        myListEntry += "python D:\Archive\Work\_Dev\_Convert\convert_obj_three.py -i " + 
            inputPath + o.name + ".obj -o " + 
            outputPath + o.name + ".js & \n"

myListEntry += "exit \n"
print myListEntry
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40472"
  • Create a new txt file, rename it to coordinates.mcr and drag and drop the file into the 3ds max window. It will automatically open MaxScript Listener window and print the results. Copy paste the python command in cmd. Use the printed json to batch load your models in your project.
  • Also, scripts can be assigned to buttons in 3dsMax toolbars, for fast access.
  • The above script could use further tweaking. Not the best solution but at least it speeds up things, hopefuly.
  • Use Jos Balcaen's script for exporting obj files in batch (3ds Max)


After experimenting a bit with the script I have made a setup that allows me to export my models (counting more than 20) in under 1 minute from 3ds max to open browser tab. Of course, you may need to adjust the json output to your liking. Hope you will find this useful.

like image 3
Adrian Moisa Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 12:11

Adrian Moisa