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doctrine FindBy method with 'OR condition'?

Is it possible to use OR statement in Doctrine findBy() method?

I want That the output Be like this :

SELECT * FROM `friends` WHERE userId=1 OR FriendId=1 ;

The code Now :

$user = $repository->findBy(array(
            'userId' => $this->getRequest()->getSession()->get('id')
like image 567
hassen zouari Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 00:03

hassen zouari

2 Answers

I would just use DQL... Add a function like this to your repository:

public function findFriends($userId)
    return $this->getEntityManager()
        ->createQuery('SELECT f FROM Friends WHERE userId = :userId OR FriendId = :userId')
        ->setParameter('userId', $userId)

Or use the query builder instead of DQL:

public function findFriends($userId)
    return $this->getEntityManager()
        ->from('Friends', 'f')
        ->where('f.userId = :userId')
        ->orWhere('f.friendId = :userId')
        ->setParameter('userId', $userId)

And then just use:

$user = $repository->findFriends($this->getRequest()->getSession()->get('id'));
like image 102
Andy Preston Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 16:03

Andy Preston

MongoDB specific syntax

You can use the $or and $and keys in the array you pass to findBy:

$id = $this->getRequest()->getSession()->get('id');
$user = $repo->findBy(
        '$or' => array(
            array('userId' => $id),
            array('FriendId' => $id),

Using QueryBuilder:

But seeing as this is mongoDB specific, this probably doesn't answer your question. Using the queryBuilder, you could just write this:

$qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder();
    ->from('friends', 'f')//replace friends with the correct entity name
    ->where('f.userId = :uid')
    ->orWhere('f.FriendId = :fid')
    ->setParameter('uid', $id)
    ->setParameter('fid', $id);
$users = $qb->getQuery()->getSingleResult();//or more

You could build the or clause using querybuilder expressions instead, that would look something like this:

            $qb->expr()->eq('f.userId', ':uid'),
            $qb->expr()->eq('f.FriendId', ':fid')
    ->setParameter('uid', $id)
    ->setParameter('fid', $id);

Here's some more info

Even though you're using the same value twice, you have to call setParameter twice. The reason for this can be found here

Lastly, some more docs on the QueryBuilder class

like image 20
Elias Van Ootegem Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 17:03

Elias Van Ootegem