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filemtime returns same value before and after modification of file

Im trying to get the last modified time of a file before and after i write to it using fwrite. But, i get the same values for some reason.

$i = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $i);
echo "<br/>";
$e=fopen('log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($e, "well well well");
$j = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $j);


Now i modify 'log.txt' with a text editor about a minute before i run this script. So i should be getting about 40-60 seconds of time difference. If someone could point out what is happening here, that'd be really appreciated. Thanks.

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Haider Ali Avatar asked Mar 15 '23 01:03

Haider Ali

2 Answers

The documentation of filemtime states that results of this function are cached. Maybe you can try it with clearstatcache:

$i = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $i);
echo "<br/>";
$e=fopen('log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($e, "well well well");
$j = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $j);
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The fourth bird Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 03:03

The fourth bird

Try to add fclose after the fwrite:

$i = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $i);
echo "<br/>";
$e=fopen('log.txt', 'w');
fwrite($e, "well well well");
$j = filemtime('log.txt');
echo gmdate("h:i:s", $j);
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Frank Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 05:03
