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Laravel 5.1: Get ID from firstOrNew method

I have the following function which creates a new record in the database if one doesn't already exists - if one exists, it updates it. The problem is that it returns true and therefore I can't get the ID of the inserted or updated record.

 * Save timesheet.
 * @param $token
 * @param $data
public function saveTimesheet($token, $data) 
    return $this->timesheet->firstOrNew($token)->fill($data)->save();
like image 667
V4n1ll4 Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 01:03


1 Answers

First create the new model and then save it, the id will be set in the model automaticaly.

 * Save timesheet.
 * @param $token
 * @param $data
public function saveTimesheet($token, $data) 
    // Set the data
    $model = $this->timesheet->firstOrNew($token)->fill($data);

    // Save the model

    // Return the id
    return $model->id;
like image 174
Jerodev Avatar answered Mar 17 '23 03:03
