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Andy Preston

Andy Preston has asked 0 questions and find answers to 17 problems.


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Full stack* web-developer from Swindon, Wiltshire.

I've been using PHP for longer than I care to remember. I used to do a lot of Symfony 3 & 5, but recently I've been handling legacy PHP5 codebases whilst watching PHP7 morph into 8 from afar. I like JavaScript when it's pretending to be a functional language but would like to swear copiously at whoever decided to add the "class" keyword. Also on the client side, I think Vue.js is the bees-knees.

When I'm not at work, I like to make things with AVRs programmed in Assembly language. And I'm just getting into STM-32s.

I still carry a torch for Pascal and Ada. I've done some C and C++ but I'd rather be using a "nice" language. I've also done some Ruby in the past but, these days, on the scripting side, it's all about Python.

I also run a tiny Unimat SL lathe, but am barely competent. I used to make a lot of Electronic music and "arty" videos but not so much these days.

*And yes, Kevlin Henny, I do mean "full-stack"!!! ;)