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Difference between session affinity and sticky session?

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What is session affinity?

Session affinity uses cookies to track session information and, potentially, to maintain login credentials. With session affinity, the application server that handles the first client request generates session information and places it in a Set-Cookie header in the response.

What is a sticky session?

What is a sticky session. Session stickiness, a.k.a., session persistence, is a process in which a load balancer creates an affinity between a client and a specific network server for the duration of a session, (i.e., the time a specific IP spends on a website).

What is session affinity in Kubernetes?

Sticky sessions or session affinity, is a feature that allows you to keep a session alive for a certain period of time. In a Kubernetes cluster, all the traffic from a client to an application, even if you scale from 1 to 3 or more replicas, will be redirected to the same pod.

What is affinity in load balancer?

Session affinity is a feature available on load balancers that allows all subsequent traffic and requests from an initial client session to be passed to the same server in the pool. Session affinity is also referred to as session persistence, server affinity, server persistence, or server sticky.

I've seen those terms used interchangeably, but there are different ways of implementing it:

  1. Send a cookie on the first response and then look for it on subsequent ones. The cookie says which real server to send to.
    Bad if you have to support cookie-less browsers
  2. Partition based on the requester's IP address.
    Bad if it isn't static or if many come in through the same proxy.
  3. If you authenticate users, partition based on user name (it has to be an HTTP supported authentication mode to do this).
  4. Don't require state.
    Let clients hit any server (send state to the client and have them send it back)
    This is not a sticky session, it's a way to avoid having to do it.

I would suspect that sticky might refer to the cookie way, and that affinity might refer to #2 and #3 in some contexts, but that's not how I have seen it used (or use it myself)

As I've always heard the terms used in a load-balancing scenario, they are interchangeable. Both mean that once a session is started, the same server serves all requests for that session.

Sticky session means that when a request comes into a site from a client all further requests go to the same server initial client request accessed. I believe that session affinity is a synonym for sticky session.

They are the same.

Both mean that when coming in to the load balancer, the request will be directed to the server that served the first request (and has the session).

Sticky session means to route the requests of particular session to the same physical machine who served the first request for that session.

This article clarifies the question for me and discusses other types of load balancer persistence.

Dave's Thoughts: Load balancer persistence (sticky sessions)