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What is the session's "secret" option?

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How does express session secret work?

The Express session middleware... calculates a hash over the combination of the session id and a secret. Since calculating the hash requires possession of the secret, an attacker will not be able to generate valid session ids without guessing the secret (or just trying to guess the hash).

Is express session secure?

If you run with https and your physical computer is secure from outsiders, then your express session cookie is protected from outsiders when stored locally and is protected (by https) when in transport to the server.

What is saveUninitialized in express session?

saveUninitialized : When an empty session object is created and no properties are set, it is the uninitialized state. So, setting saveUninitialized to false will not save the session if it is not modified. The default value of both resave and saveUninitialized is true, but using the default is deprecated.

How do I destroy an express session?

destroy(callback) Destroys the session and will unset the req. session property. Once complete, the callback will be invoked.

Yes, you should change it. A session secret in connect is simply used to compute the hash. Without the string, access to the session would essentially be "denied". Take a look at the connect docs, that should help a little bit.

The secret is used to hash the session with HMAC:


The session is then protected against session hijacking by checking the fingerprint against the hash with the secret:
