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How to use font-awesome icons from node-modules

People also ask

How do I use Font Awesome in Express?

Copy webfonts into public folder Copy webfonts folder from /node_modules/@fortawesome/font-awesome to the public folder in your main app directory. This will enable your application to serve Font Awesome fonts (icons) as static files from /webfonts url of your application. The main integration is done.

Install as npm install font-awesome --save-dev

In your development less file, you can either import the whole font awesome less using @import "node_modules/font-awesome/less/font-awesome.less", or look in that file and import just the components that you need. I think this is the minimum for basic icons:

/* adjust path as needed */
@fa_path: "../node_modules/font-awesome/less";
@import "@{fa_path}/variables.less";
@import "@{fa_path}/mixins.less";
@import "@{fa_path}/path.less";
@import "@{fa_path}/core.less";
@import "@{fa_path}/icons.less";

As a note, you still aren't going to save that many bytes by doing this. Either way, you're going to end up including between 2-3k lines of unminified CSS.

You'll also need to serve the fonts themselves from a folder called/fonts/ in your public directory. You could just copy them there with a simple gulp task, for example:

gulp.task('fonts', function() {
  return gulp.src('node_modules/font-awesome/fonts/*')

You have to set the proper font path. e.g.


@import "../node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome";
.icon-user {
  @extend .fa;
  @extend .fa-user;

Add the below to your .css stylesheet.

/* You can add global styles to this file, and also import other style files */

@import url('../node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css');

You will need to copy the files as part of your build process. For example, you can use a npm postinstall script to copy the files to the correct directory:

"postinstall": "cp -R node_modules/font-awesome/fonts ./public/"

For some build tools, there are preexisting font-awesome packages. For example, webpack has font-awesome-webpack which lets you simple require('font-awesome-webpack').