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Adding and removing style attribute from div with jquery





You could do any of the following

Set each style property individually:

$("#voltaic_holder").css("position", "relative");

Set multiple style properties at once:

$("#voltaic_holder").css({"position":"relative", "top":"-75px"});

Remove a specific style:

$("#voltaic_holder").css({"top": ""});
// or
$("#voltaic_holder").css("top", "");

Remove the entire style attribute:


To completely remove the style attribute of the voltaic_holder span, do this:


To add an attribute, do this:

$("#voltaic_holder").attr("attribute you want to add", "value you want to assign to attribute");

To remove only the top style, do this:

$("#voltaic_holder").css("top", "");

If you are using jQuery, use css to add CSS

$("#voltaic_holder").css({'position': 'absolute',
    'top': '-75px'});

To remove CSS attributes

$("#voltaic_holder").css({'position': '',
    'top': ''});

The easy way to handle this (and best HTML solution to boot) is to set up classes that have the styles you want to use. Then it's a simple matter of using addClass() and removeClass(), or even toggleClass().


or even

$('#voltaic_holder').toggleClass('shiny dull');