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How to change the pop-up position of the jQuery DatePicker control

People also ask

How do I fix my datepicker position?

after reading the docs you'll find there is a property called orientation you can set. Revising your options variable to the following should correct your issue: var options={ format: 'mm/dd/yyyy', container: container, todayHighlight: true, autoclose: true, orientation: 'bottom' }; Let me know how that goes!

How do I set a datepicker range?

To set date range of one month from current date, we will use 'M' option to "+1" for maxDate and for minDate "0" So the current date becomes the value of minDate.

How do you style a datepicker?

Right click on datepicker box. Select 'inspect' (Ctrl+Shift+I) in Chrome or 'inspect element' (Q) in Firefox. Find the CSS style that you want to change.

Here's what I'm using:

    beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
            marginTop: -input.offsetHeight + 'px', 
            marginLeft: input.offsetWidth + 'px'

You may also want to add a bit more to the left margin so it's not right up against the input field.

I do it directly in the CSS:

.ui-datepicker { 
  margin-left: 100px;
  z-index: 1000;

My date input fields are all 100px wide. I also added the z-index so the calendar also appears above AJAX popups.

I don't modify the jquery-ui CSS file; I overload the class in my main CSS file, so I can change the theme or update the widget without having to re-enter my specific mods.

Here is my variation of Datepicker calendar aligning.

I think that it's pretty nice, because you can control positioning via jQuery UI Position util.

One restriction: jquery.ui.position.js required.


    beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
        // Handle calendar position before showing it.
        // It's not supported by Datepicker itself (for now) so we need to use its internal variables.
        var calendar = inst.dpDiv;

        // Dirty hack, but we can't do anything without it (for now, in jQuery UI 1.8.20)
        setTimeout(function() {
                my: 'right top',
                at: 'right bottom',
                collision: 'none',
                of: input
        }, 1);

Here is another variation that works well for me, adjust the rect.top + 40, rect.left + 0 to suit your needs:

    changeMonth: true,
    changeYear: true,
    dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
    beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
        var rect = input.getBoundingClientRect();
        setTimeout(function () {
	        inst.dpDiv.css({ top: rect.top + 40, left: rect.left + 0 });
        }, 0);
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.2/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<input class="datepicker" name="date1" type="text">
<input class="datepicker" name="date2" type="text">

The accepted answer for this question is actually not for the jQuery UI Datepicker. To change the position of the jQuery UI Datepicker just modify .ui-datepicker in the css file. The size of the Datepicker can also be changed in this way, just adjust the font size.

This works for me:

beforeShow: function(input, inst) {
    var $this = $(this);
    var cal = inst.dpDiv;
    var top = $this.offset().top + $this.outerHeight();
    var left = $this.offset().left;

    setTimeout(function() {
            'top': top,
            'left': left
    }, 10);

First I think there should be a afterShowing method in the datepicker object, where you could change the position after jquery has done all its voodoo in the _showDatepicker method. Additionally, a parameter called preferedPosition would be also desirable, so you could set it and jquery modify it in case the dialog is rendered outside the viewport.

There's a "trick" to do this last thing. If you study the _showDatepicker method, you will see the use of a private variable $.datepikcer._pos. That variable will be setup if nobody has set it up before. If you modify that variable before showing the dialog, Jquery will take it and will try to allocate the dialog in that position, and if it renders out of the screen, it will adjust it to make sure it is visible. Sounds good, eh?

Problem is; _pos is private, but if you don't mind that. You can:

    beforeShow: function(input, inst)
        $.datepicker._pos = $.datepicker._findPos(input); //this is the default position
        $.datepicker._pos[0] = whatever; //left
        $.datepicker._pos[1] = whatever; //top

But be careful of Jquery-ui updates, because a change in the internal implementation of the _showDatepicker might break your code.