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Firefox session cookies

Generally speaking, when given a cookie that has no expiration period, modern browsers will consider this cookie to be a 'session cookie', they will remove the cookie at the end of the browsing session (generally when the browser instance closes).

IE, Opera, Safari and Chrome all support this behavior.

However firefox (3.0.9 latest proper release) appears not to follow this rule, from what I can tell it doesn't expire the cookies when the browser is closed, or when the user logs off or restarts the OS..

So, why does firefox refer to these as session cookies, when they last aparently indefinitely?

Does anyone know how Firefox handles session cookie expiration?

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meandmycode Avatar asked Apr 22 '09 15:04


People also ask

What are session cookies?

The session cookie is a server-specific cookie that cannot be passed to any machine other than the one that generated the cookie. The session cookie allows the browser to re-identify itself to the single, unique server to which the client had previously authenticated.

1 Answers

This is apparently by design. Check out this Bugzilla bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=443354

Firefox has a feature where you close Firefox and it offers to save all your tabs, and then you restore the browser and those tabs come back. That's called session restore. What I didn't realize is that it'll also restore all the session cookies for those pages too! It treats it like you had never closed the browser.

This makes sense in the sense that if your browser crashed you get right back to where you were, but is a little disconcerting for web devs used to session cookies getting cleared. I've got some old session cookies from months ago that were set by sites I always have open in tabs.

To test this out, close all the tabs in your browser, then close the browser and restart it. I think the session cookies for your site should clear in that case. Otherwise you'd have to turn off session restore.

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bhollis Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
