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Firebug says "No Javascript on this page", even though JavaScript does exist on the page

Why does Firebug say there is No Javascript on this page when there are clearly loads of JavaScript on the page. I even reloaded the page several time to make sure but it still show the same message.

It never used to do that before, but all of a sudden it misbehaves.

Is it because of some configuration issues or because of something else?

like image 473
Shaoz Avatar asked Jun 13 '13 11:06


1 Answers

As of Firefox version 50, it seems that Firebug will no longer work as Mozilla are migrating to Firefox Devtools. The tab Tools/Web Developer has a 'debugger' option. See this page for a discussion on the migration. Read all the posts dated 19 November for further information.

It seems to me that the option gives less functionality but Firebug per se is never going to be fixed for Firefox 50 and beyond

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NickT Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
