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What unique features does Firebug have that are not built-in to Firefox?

I just cleaned my Firefox addons and wondered:

  • Which features does Firebug have that make it unique?

  • Which features are available in both Firebug and the Firefox Developer Tools?

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janpio Avatar asked Oct 04 '13 11:10


People also ask

What happened to Firebug for Firefox?

Firebug was discontinued last year (2017). So it's sad that Firebug is now reaching end-of-life in the Firefox browser, with the release of Firefox Quantum (version 57) next month. The good news is that all the capabilities of Firebug are now present in current Firefox Developer Tools.

What does Mozilla Firebug do?

Firebug is a discontinued free and open-source web browser extension for Mozilla Firefox that facilitated the live debugging, editing, and monitoring of any website's CSS, HTML, DOM, XHR, and JavaScript.

Why Firebug is discontinued?

As you might have heard already, Firebug has been discontinued as a separate Firefox add-on. The reason for this huge change is Electrolysis, Mozilla's project name for a redesign of Firefox architecture to improve responsiveness, stability, and security.

How do I use Firebug developer in Firefox?

Firebug can be opened by pressing F12. To open it to inspect an element it is possible to press Ctrl + Shift + C / Cmd + Opt + C . The DevTools share the same shortcuts, but also provide shortcuts for the different panels.

1 Answers

Firefox's native developer tools have come a long way since this question was written. The differences have mainly reduced to the following points:

  • Can't stop the script execution on DOM mutations, XHRs, or cookie changes.
  • XPaths can't be copied.
  • Missing an events side panel in the Inspector (though events are displayed within the DOM structure).
  • Missing a DOM side panel in the Inspector.
  • No live preview while editing HTML.
  • Missing autocompletion for non-enumerable properties in the command line.
  • Can't search within multiple files in Style Editor.
  • No multi-line command line in the Web Console (though they have Scratchpad and a "smart-multi-line" command line)
  • No toolbar buttons to toggle the tools or the Inspector.
  • Can't search within responses of network requests.
  • Missing autocompletion for several CSS properties.
  • Missing several command line commands.
  • Can't add cookies, just edit existing ones.
  • No always-on mode and activation per domain (instead of per tab).

There are more things missing, which are tracked in a bug report filed for all the gaps between Firebug and the Firefox DevTools.

Firebug integration

Firebug is now built on top of the native developer tools. Since Firefox 48 there's also a Firebug theme that looks like the Firebug extension, letting you feel at home if you're used to Firebug. Once multi-process Firefox is enabled, pressing F12 or clicking the Firebug button opens the Firefox DevTools and with the Firebug theme.

There's also a migration guide explaining the differences between Firebug and the Firefox DevTools.

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9 revs, 5 users 41% Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 23:09

9 revs, 5 users 41%