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Difference between a Factory, Provider and a Service?

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What is the difference between provider and service?

A Service is a JavaScript object that exists in your application, and a Provider is the way you gain access to that object. The two are not the same thing, but they work together to make your Service accessible from other places. You can't get your Service without a Provider, and a Provider needs something to provide.

What is the difference between factory and service?

factory() is a method that takes a name and function that are injected in the same way as in service. The major difference between an AngularJS service and an AngularJS factory is that a service is a constructor function and a factory is not.

What is service factory and provider in angular?

An AngularJS service is a singleton object created by a service factory. These service factories are functions which, in turn, are created by a service provider. The service providers are constructor functions. When instantiated they must contain a property called $get , which holds the service factory function.

What is provider factory?

ProviderFactory is a factory class used to create instances of providers. To enable tracing in an application, this class must be used to create instances of the provider interfaces defined by users. The system-defined factory is obtained by using the getDefaultFactory() static method.

Factory: Assembles classes, either by composing a bunch of bits together, or choosing type based on some kind of context

Provider: Provider is something microsoft "invented" (basically an abstract factory pattern) that is a way of doing a factory of factories, or having a common factory interface which allows factories to be swappable. It is used all over in the MS web stack as a way to keep components configurable.

Service: A service is a group of related functionality. Think of it as if you are splitting your architecture horizontally, you have a "Business Logic" layer, if you split that vertically you will have services.