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Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

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What is difference between encapsulation and abstraction explain with real time example?

Encapsulation means hiding the internal details or mechanics of how an object does something. Abstraction is outer layout in terms of design. For Example: - Outer Look of a iPhone, like it has a display screen. Encapsulation is inner layout in terms of implementation.

What is the difference between encapsulation information hiding and abstraction?

Abstraction hides complexity by giving you a more abstract picture, a sort of 10,000 feet view, while Encapsulation hides internal working so that you can change it later. In other words, Abstraction hides details at the design level, while Encapsulation hides details at the implementation level.

Encapsulation hides variables or some implementation that may be changed so often in a class to prevent outsiders access it directly. They must access it via getter and setter methods.

Abstraction is used to hide something too, but in a higher degree (class, interface). Clients who use an abstract class (or interface) do not care about what it was, they just need to know what it can do.

This image sums pretty well the difference between both:

enter image description here

Source here

Encapsulation: Wrapping code and data together into a single unit. Class is an example of encapsulation, because it wraps the method and property.

Abstraction: Hiding internal details and showing functionality only. Abstraction focus on what the object does instead of how it does. It provides generalized view of classes.

int number = 5;
string aStringNumber = number.ToString(); 

Here, ToString() is abstraction. And how this mechanism number variable converted to string and initialize into aStringNumber is encapsulation.

Let us take a real world example of calculator. Encapsulation is the internal circuits, battery, etc., that combine to make it a calculator. Abstraction is the different buttons like on-off, clear and other buttons provided to operate it.

Abstraction - is the process (and result of this process) of identifying the common essential characteristics for a set of objects. One might say that Abstraction is the process of generalization: all objects under consideration are included in a superset of objects, all of which possess given properties (but are different in other respects).

Encapsulation - is the process of enclosing data and functions manipulating this data into a single unit, so that to hide the internal implementation from the outside world.

This is a general answer not related to a specific programming language (as was the question). So the answer is: abstraction and encapsulation have nothing in common. But their implementations might relate to each other (say, in Java: Encapsulation - details are hidden in a class, Abstraction - details are not present at all in a class or interface).

Abstraction: Is usually done to provide polymorphic access to a set of classes. An abstract class cannot be instantiated thus another class will have to derive from it to create a more concrete representation.

A common usage example of an abstract class can be an implementation of a template method design pattern where an abstract injection point is introduces so that the concrete class can implement it in its own "concrete" way.

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abstraction_(computer_science)

Encapsulation: It is the process of hiding the implementation complexity of a specific class from the client that is going to use it, keep in mind that the "client" may be a program or event the person who wrote the class.

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Encapsulation_(object-oriented_programming)

Yes !!!! If I say Encapsulation is a kind of an advanced specific scope abstraction,

How many of you read/upvote my answer. Let's dig into why I am saying this.

I need to clear two things before my claim.

One is data hiding and, another one is the abstraction

Data hiding

Most of the time, we will not give direct access to our internal data. Our internal data should not go out directly that is an outside person can't access our internal data directly. It's all about security since we need to protect the internal states of a particular object.


For simplicity, hide the internal implementations is called abstraction. In abstraction, we only focus on the necessary things. Basically, We talk about "What to do" and not "How to do" in abstraction. Security also can be achieved by abstraction since we are not going to highlight "how we are implementing". Maintainability will be increased since we can alter the implementation but it will not affect our end user.

I said, "Encapsulation is a kind of an advanced specific scope abstraction". Why? because we can see encapsulation as data hiding + abstraction

encapsulation = data hiding + abstraction

In encapsulation, we need to hide the data so the outside person can not see the data and we need to provide methods that can be used to access the data. These methods may have validations or other features inside those things also hidden to an outside person. So here, we are hiding the implementation of access methods and it is called abstraction.

This is why I said like above encapsulation is a kind of abstraction.

So Where is the difference?

The difference is the abstraction is a general one if we are hiding something from the user for simplicity, maintainability and security and,

encapsulation is a specific one for which is related to internal states security where we are hiding the internal state (data hiding) and we are providing methods to access the data and those methods implementation also hidden from the outside person(abstraction).

Why we need abstraction When you do designs, you will not talk about implementations. You say If you give these parameters to this method it will give these output. We hide the internal implementation of the method and talk about what it will do so this is an abstraction.


public int add(int a, int b);

This method definition tells us that if you give two variables it will do addition and return the result.

here we will not look at the implementation and we ay only what this method does and not how it does. Method implementations can be differs based on developers. 1.

public int add(int a, int b){
   return a + b; 
public int add(int a, int b){

   return b + a; 

Two methods are doing the same thing what their implementation differs.


Abstraction is needed to model the system. Encapsulation is needed to enhance system security.

There is a great article that touches on differences between Abstraction, Encapsulation and Information hiding in depth: http://www.tonymarston.co.uk/php-mysql/abstraction.txt

Here is the conclusion from the article:

Abstraction, information hiding, and encapsulation are very different, but highly-related, concepts. One could argue that abstraction is a technique that helps us identify which specific information should be visible, and which information should be hidden. Encapsulation is then the technique for packaging the information in such a way as to hide what should be hidden, and make visible what is intended to be visible.