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CSS selector to find <select> with specified <option> label

I need a CSS selector that selects a <select> element if it contains an <option> which contains or equals (both would match my requirements) a specified text. Example HTML:

<select name="foo">
  <option value="1">First</option>
  <option value="2">Second</option>

I want the <select> if it contains for example an option labeled "Second". Something like this:


If there is no way to achieve that with CSS selectors, i'd also accept JQuery or XPath selectors.

like image 992
Alp Avatar asked Aug 16 '11 16:08


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Simply right click and click Inspect Element. This will bring up the CSS selectors for that element.

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The CSS id Selector The id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML element to select a specific element. The id of an element is unique within a page, so the id selector is used to select one unique element! To select an element with a specific id, write a hash (#) character, followed by the id of the element.

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var element = document. querySelector("label[for=email]"); ...or in JavaScript using jQuery: var element = $("label[for=email]");

1 Answers

You can't do this with CSS.

You can either use this jQuery selector (:has() and :contains() are not part of CSS):


Or this XPath expression:

//select[contains(option, 'Second')]
like image 128
BoltClock Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
