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How to handle many elements in jQuery?

I am looking to create a site composed of different panels. Let's say we have 4 panels. Each panel takes up the whole screen at a given point in time, and looks something similar to this

|     home     ||     about    |
|    a menu    ||    a menu    |
|              ||              |
|    contact   ||     jobs     |
|    a menu    ||    a menu    |
|              ||              |

Let's say I now click on the "jobs" link through the home page. I'd like the screen to scroll with an animation vertically, to the bottom right hand corner of the container that contains all the items.

This is not that much of a problem, and I am aware I can achieve that with a plugin such as ScrollTo.

Now imagine that instead of just 4 pages, I have 16. This plugin can easily be scaled, but since so many elements exist on the page (each panel contains images, text, menu, titles, etc...), the site slows down substantially.

I can resolve this problem when I am already on a given page, by hiding all the other pages -- but how can I handle all the elements while animating from one panel to another? Any ideas for implementation?

Thank you!

like image 805
Yuval Karmi Avatar asked Jul 25 '11 18:07

Yuval Karmi

People also ask

How do you target multiple elements in jQuery?

To select multiple elements of an html page using multiple elements selector, we pass the element names inside parenthesis, in double quotes, separated by commas. For example: $(“div, p, h2”) this will select all the div, p and h2 elements of a page.

Can we use multiple selectors in jQuery?

You can specify any number of selectors to combine into a single result. This multiple expression combinator is an efficient way to select disparate elements. The order of the DOM elements in the returned jQuery object may not be identical, as they will be in document order.

Can you select all elements using jQuery How?

With jQuery selectors, you can find or select HTML elements based on their id, classes, attributes, types and much more from a DOM. In simple words, you can say that selectors are used to select one or more HTML elements using jQuery and once the element is selected then you can perform various operation on that.

What is a multi element selector?

Description. This Multiple Elements selector selects the combined results of all the specified selectors E, F or G. You can specify any number of selectors to combine into a single result. Here order of the DOM elements in the jQuery object aren't necessarily identical.

3 Answers

Don't load everything to the DOM, use ajax and pull in what you need and remove what you don't. I worked on a site very similar to what you describe once and I went the "hide everything in the dom" route, I eventually had to re-write parts of it to use ajax because the page was simply taking too long to load.

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sjobe Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09



  • by default all panels except the active are hidden AND have an additional css class (e.g. "panel-simplified")
  • panel-simplified reduces the layout to the absolute minimum: no advanced css3 techniques, only selected content is shown, maybe even dummy content
  • on click the target panel gains full beauty / loses panel-simplified
  • only the necessary panels, which are "passed along" are shown (min: 2panels, max: ~ 10 panels (0,0) -> (4/4))

e.g. State before (0,0) -> (2,2). Hidden panels without a label.

|    (0,0)     ||     (1,0)    ||     (2,0)    ||     (3,0)    |
|    FULL      ||      SIMP    ||              ||              |
|    (0,1)     ||     (1,1)    ||     (2,1)    ||     (3,1)    |
|     SIMP     ||     SIMP     ||      SIMP    ||              |
|    (0,2)     ||     (1,2)    ||     (2,2)    ||     (3,2)    |
|              ||     SIMP     ||      FULL    ||              |
|    (0,3)     ||     (1,3)    ||     (2,3)    ||     (3,3)    |
|              ||              ||              ||              |
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SunnyRed Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 05:09


not sure how's your html code is, but i agree with sjobe suggestion.

i'm guessing you have a menu like so:

<ul id='menu'>
    <li><a href='#home'>home</a></li>
    <li><a href='#about'>about</a></li>
    <li><a href='#contact'>contact</a></li>
    <li><a href='#jobs'>jobs</a></li>

and some divs like so:

<div id='container'>
    <div id='home'></div>
    <div id='about'></div>
    <div id='contact'></div>
    <div id='jobs'></div>

now the javascript:

// when DOM's ready
$(document).ready(function() {
    // get the current hash or default to #home if none
    hash = window.location.hash ? window.location.hash : '#home';

    // construct the file name to load
    file = hash.replace('#', '/') + '.html';
    // load the file to the div
    // and scroll to it
    $.scrollTo(hash, 800, {easing:'elasout'});

    // and create handler for menu click
    $('#menu a').click(function(event) {
        hash = this.hash;
        $.scrollTo(hash, 800, {easing:'elasout'});

// when page (incl scripts, styles, images, etc) ready
$(window).load(function() {
    // iterate through each menu
    $('#menu a').each(function() {
        // get its hash
        hash = this.hash;
        // construct the file name to load
        file = hash.replace('#', '/') + '.html';
        // preload the file to the div
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widyakumara Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
