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CSS div element - how to show horizontal scroll bars only?




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How do I always show the horizontal scroll bar in CSS?

To show the scrollbars always on the webpage, use overflow: scroll Property. It will add both horizontal and vertical scrollbars to the webpage. To add only horizontal scrollbar use overflow-x: scroll property and for vertical scrollbar use overflow-y: scroll property.

How do I show the scroll bar only when needed CSS?

Use overflow: auto . Scrollbars will only appear when needed. (Sidenote, you can also specify for only the x, or y scrollbar: overflow-x: auto and overflow-y: auto ).

How do I hide horizontal scrollbar but still scroll?

To hide the horizontal scrollbar and prevent horizontal scrolling, use overflow-x: hidden: HTML. CSS.

How do I make a div scrollable vertically and horizontally?

We can use a combination of overflow-x and overflow-y to place the scrollbar vertically, horizontally, or both. For the vertical scrollbar, overflow-x:hidden and overflow-y:auto will be set in the CSS file, and vice versa for the horizontal scrollbar.

You shouldn't get both horizontal and vertical scrollbars unless you make the content large enough to require them.

However you typically do in IE due to a bug. Check in other browsers (Firefox etc.) to find out whether it is in fact only IE that is doing it.

IE6-7 (amongst other browsers) supports the proposed CSS3 extension to set scrollbars independently, which you could use to suppress the vertical scrollbar:

overflow: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;

You may also need to add for IE8:

-ms-overflow-y: hidden;

as Microsoft are threatening to move all pre-CR-standard properties into their own ‘-ms’ box in IE8 Standards Mode. (This would have made sense if they'd always done it that way, but is rather an inconvenience for everyone now.)

On the other hand it's entirely possible IE8 will have fixed the bug anyway.

I also had to add white-space: nowrap; to the style, otherwise elements would wrap down into the area that we're removing the ability to scroll to.

This solution is without height/width specification for the father div so it will be responsive to window resizing and most useful cause horizontal scrollbars appears just if needed.

    border:dotted 1px;

    background-color: red;

Take a look at DEMO

To show both:

<div style="height:250px; width:550px; overflow-x:scroll ; overflow-y: scroll; padding-bottom:10px;">      </div>

Hide X Axis:

<div style="height:250px; width:550px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y: scroll; padding-bottom:10px;">      </div>

Hide Y Axis:

<div style="height:250px; width:550px; overflow-x:scroll ; overflow-y: hidden; padding-bottom:10px;">      </div>

you can also make it overflow: auto and give a maximum fixed height and width that way, when the text or whatever is in there, overflows it'll show only the required scrollbar