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CSS Selector "(A or B) and C"?

This should be simple, but I'm having trouble finding the search terms for it.
Let's say I have this:

<div class="a c">Foo</div>
<div class="b c">Bar</div>

In CSS, how can I create a selector that matches something that matches "(.a or .b) and .c"?

I know I could do this:

.a.c,.b.c {
  /* CSS stuff */

But, assuming I'm going to have to do this sort of logic a lot, with a variety of logical combinations, is there a better syntax?

like image 896
Josh Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 07:10


People also ask

What is CSS selector A?

A type selector selects all HTML elements that have a given node name. For example, “a” would select all <a> elements and apply the CSS property values to them.

What are the 3 CSS selectors?

Simple selectors (select elements based on name, id, class) Combinator selectors (select elements based on a specific relationship between them) Pseudo-class selectors (select elements based on a certain state)

What are the 4 CSS selectors?

A type selector, universal selector, attribute selector, class selector, ID selector, or pseudo-class is a simple selector.

1 Answers

is there a better syntax?

No. CSS' or operator (,) does not permit groupings. It's essentially the lowest-precedence logical operator in selectors, so you must use .a.c,.b.c.

like image 184
Matt Ball Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 08:10

Matt Ball