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Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

You should be able to use CSS (http://docs.jquery.com/CSS/css#name). You may have to be more specific such as "padding-left" or "margin-top".



a, a:link, a:hover, a:visited, a:active {color:black;margin-top:10px;text-decoration: none;}



The result is 10px.

If you want to get the integer value, you can do the following:


Compare outer and inner height/widths to get the total margin and padding:

var that = $("#myId");
alert(that.outerHeight(true) - that.innerHeight());

The parseInt function has a "radix" parameter which defines the numeral system used on the conversion, so calling parseInt(jQuery('#something').css('margin-left'), 10); returns the left margin as an Integer.

This is what JSizes use.

PLEASE don't go loading another library just to do something that's already natively available!

jQuery's .css() converts %'s and em's to their pixel equivalent to begin with, and parseInt() will remove the 'px' from the end of the returned string and convert it to an integer:


$(document).ready(function () {
    var $h1 = $('h1');
    $h1.after($('<div>Padding-top: ' + parseInt($h1.css('padding-top')) + '</div>'));
    $h1.after($('<div>Margin-top: ' + parseInt($h1.css('margin-top')) + '</div>'));

Here's how you can get the surrounding dimentions:

var elem = $('#myId');

var marginTopBottom  = elem.outerHeight(true) - elem.outerHeight();
var marginLeftRight  = elem.outerWidth(true)  - elem.outerWidth();

var borderTopBottom  = elem.outerHeight() - elem.innerHeight();
var borderLeftRight  = elem.outerWidth()  - elem.innerWidth();

var paddingTopBottom  = elem.innerHeight() - elem.height();
var paddingLeftRight  = elem.innerWidth()  - elem.width();

Pay attention that each variable, paddingTopBottom for example, contains the sum of the margins on the both sides of the element; i.e., paddingTopBottom == paddingTop + paddingBottom. I wonder if there is a way to get them separately. Of course, if they are equal you can divide by 2 :)

This simple function will do it:

$.fn.pixels = function(property) {
    return parseInt(this.css(property).slice(0,-2));


var padding = $('#myId').pixels('paddingTop');