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creating a shared_ptr from unique_ptr

In a piece of code I reviewed lately, which compiled fine with g++-4.6, I encountered a strange try to create a std::shared_ptr from std::unique_ptr:

std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo... std::make_shared<Foo>(std::move(foo)); 

This seems rather odd to me. This should be std::shared_ptr<Foo>(std::move(foo)); afaik, though I'm not perfectly familiar with moves (and I know std::move is only a cast, nothing get's moved).

Checking with different compilers on this SSC(NUC*)E

#include <memory>  int main() {    std::unique_ptr<int> foo(new int);    std::make_shared<int>(std::move(foo)); } 

Results of compilation:

  • g++-4.4.7 gives compilation error
  • g++-4.6.4 compiles without any error
  • g++-4.7.3 gives internal compiler error
  • g++-4.8.1 gives compilation error
  • clang++-3.2.1 compiles without any error

So the question is: which compiler is right in terms of the standard? Does the standard require this to be an invalid statement, a valid statement or is this simply undefined?


We've agreed on that some of these compilers, such as clang++ and g++-4.6.4, permit the conversion while they shouldn't. However with g++-4.7.3 (which produces an internal compiler error on std::make_shared<Foo>(std::move(foo));), correctly rejects int bar(std::move(foo));

Because of this huge difference in behavior, I'm leaving the question as it is, although part of it would be answerable with the reduction to int bar(std::move(foo));.

*) NUC: Not universally compilable

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stefan Avatar asked Sep 19 '13 08:09


People also ask

Can you convert a shared_ptr to unique_ptr?

Afterword. The flawless conversion of an std::unique_ptr to a compatible std::shared_ptr makes it possible to write efficient and safe factory functions. However, note that an std::shared_ptr cannot be converted to an std::unique_ptr.

Should I use unique_ptr or shared_ptr?

Use unique_ptr when you want a single pointer to an object that will be reclaimed when that single pointer is destroyed. Use shared_ptr when you want multiple pointers to the same resource.

Can I dereference a unique_ptr?

The unique_ptr shall not be empty (i.e., its stored pointer shall not be a null pointer) in order to be dereferenciable. This can easily be checked by casting the unique_ptr object to bool (see unique_ptr::operator bool). It is equivalent to: *get().

Can unique_ptr be copied?

A unique_ptr does not share its pointer. It cannot be copied to another unique_ptr , passed by value to a function, or used in any C++ Standard Library algorithm that requires copies to be made. A unique_ptr can only be moved.

2 Answers

UPDATE 2: This bug has been fixed in Clang in r191150. GCC rejects the code with a proper error message.

UPDATE: I have submitted a bug report. The following code on my machine with clang++ 3.4 (trunk 191037)

#include <iostream> #include <memory>  int main() {    std::unique_ptr<int> u_ptr(new int(42));     std::cout << " u_ptr.get() = " <<  u_ptr.get() << std::endl;    std::cout << "*u_ptr       = " << *u_ptr       << std::endl;     auto s_ptr = std::make_shared<int>(std::move(u_ptr));     std::cout << "After move" << std::endl;     std::cout << " u_ptr.get() = " <<  u_ptr.get() << std::endl;    std::cout << "*u_ptr       = " << *u_ptr       << std::endl;    std::cout << " s_ptr.get() = " <<  s_ptr.get() << std::endl;    std::cout << "*s_ptr       = " << *s_ptr       << std::endl; } 

prints this:

 u_ptr.get() = 0x16fa010 *u_ptr       = 42 After move  u_ptr.get() = 0x16fa010 *u_ptr       = 42  s_ptr.get() = 0x16fa048 *s_ptr       = 1 

As you can see, the unique_ptr hasn't been moved from. The standard guarantees that it should be null after it has been moved from. The shared_ptr points to a wrong value.

The weird thing is that it compiles without a warning and valgrind doesn't report any issues, no leak, no heap corruption. Weird.

The proper behavior is shown if I create s_ptr with the shared_ptr ctor taking an rvalue ref to a unique_ptr instead of make_shared:

#include <iostream> #include <memory>  int main() {    std::unique_ptr<int> u_ptr(new int(42));     std::cout << " u_ptr.get() = " <<  u_ptr.get() << std::endl;    std::cout << "*u_ptr       = " << *u_ptr       << std::endl;     std::shared_ptr<int> s_ptr{std::move(u_ptr)};     std::cout << "After move" << std::endl;     std::cout << " u_ptr.get() = " <<  u_ptr.get() << std::endl;    //std::cout << "*u_ptr       = " << *u_ptr       << std::endl; // <-- would give a segfault    std::cout << " s_ptr.get() = " <<  s_ptr.get() << std::endl;    std::cout << "*s_ptr       = " << *s_ptr       << std::endl; } 

It prints:

 u_ptr.get() = 0x5a06040 *u_ptr       = 42 After move  u_ptr.get() = 0  s_ptr.get() = 0x5a06040 *s_ptr       = 42 

As you see, u_ptr is null after the move as required by the standard and s_ptr points to the correct value. This is the correct behavior.

(The original answer.)

As Simple has pointed out: "Unless Foo has a constructor that takes a std::unique_ptr it shouldn't compile."

To expand on it a little bit: make_shared forwards its arguments to T's constructor. If T doesn't have any ctor that could accept that unique_ptr<T>&& it is a compile error.

However, it is easy to fix this code and get what you want (online demo):

#include <memory> using namespace std;  class widget { };  int main() {      unique_ptr<widget> uptr{new widget};      shared_ptr<widget> sptr(std::move(uptr)); } 

The point is: make_shared is the wrong thing to use in this situation. shared_ptr has a ctor that accepts an unique_ptr<Y,Deleter>&&, see (13) at the ctors of shared_ptr.

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Ali Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 00:10


This shouldn't compile. If we disregard the uniqueness and sharedness of the pointers for a moment, it's basically trying to do this:

int *u = new int; int *s = new int(std::move(u)); 

It means it's dynamically creating an int and initialising it with an rvalue reference to std::unique_ptr<int>. For ints, that simply shouldn't compile.

For a general class Foo, it depends on the class. If it has a constructor taking a std::unique_ptr<Foo> by value, const ref or rvalue ref, it will work (but maybe not do what the author intended). In other cases, it shouldn't compile.

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Angew is no longer proud of SO Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Angew is no longer proud of SO